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Looking for a copy of larp that works... - Printable Version

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Looking for a copy of larp that works... - Lukka_Vercetti - 06.04.2009

ok so my problem is the gomemode wont load for me...

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA:MP Dedicated Server
v0.2X, ©2005-2008 SA:MP Team

[22:10:57] Server Plugins
[22:10:57] --------------
[22:10:57] Loaded 0 plugins.

[22:10:57] I couldn't load any gamemode scripts. Please verify your server.cfg
[22:10:57] It needs a gamemode0 line at the very least.

also my pawno wont compile the script...

ok so this is my config file....
an i did change the password

echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
rcon_password changeme
maxplayers 32
port 7777
hostname <<<<NEW>>>>R-P
gamemode0 larp 1
filterscripts adminspec vactions
announce 1
query 1
anticheat 0

i have all this in my host folder....

» server.cfg (file)
» server-readme.txt (file)
» samp-server.exe
» samp-licence.txt (file)
» announce.exe
» scriptfiles (folder)
» pawno (folder)
» gamemodes (folder)
» filterscripts (folder)

would really appreciate some help

Re: Looking for a copy of larp that works... - MPKaboose - 18.04.2009

the game mode can't have a space in his name larp1 not larp 1

Re: Looking for a copy of larp that works... - Shubham - 24.05.2009

it is because you dont have .amx file..
compile .pwn to get the .amx file..
if an error is coming while compiling then please tell me..
so i can help..

Re: Looking for a copy of larp that works... - Lewwy - 24.05.2009

Originally Posted by xoɟɔıʇɔɹɐ
the game mode can't have a space in his name larp1 not larp 1
Yes it can, it means that is the gamemode that is to run?
gamemodename 1

Re: Looking for a copy of larp that works... - propilot - 24.05.2009

goto larp.pwn

then press "F5" and then close pwn when it done

(( if you dont any errors if you do fix it or ask in forums ))

then start the server
and tell us if it worked

Re: Looking for a copy of larp that works... - Marouane - 01.08.2009

it doesen't work for me , i Get An Error

Re: Looking for a copy of larp that works... - Fj0rtizFredde - 01.08.2009

Originally Posted by Marouane
it doesen't work for me , i Get the An Error
What kind of error?