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[PROBLEM] Mouse view stuck - Printable Version

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[PROBLEM] Mouse view stuck - sshireto - 05.04.2009

Today when I logged on some SAMP server,
and I tryed to move my mouse, its stuck.
RMB and LMB works, I can aim, and shoot.
But when I aim near somone, my aiming thing goes direclty on somone's head.
Like an AIM bot..And I dont use cheats, never.

So I tried many things, I even deleted the entire game and re-installed.
I think my bro downloaded cheats, but I looked for any, didnt find.

Any suggestions?

Re: [PROBLEM] Mouse view stuck - BiKo_JiFfY - 06.04.2009

Make sure the control aint set to Joystick unless u are using one lol

Options Controls Mouse&keyboard Thats how it should be set out if u move using the mouse