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Teams - borg245 - 31.03.2009

Hello again,

So I have 8 teams on my gamemode, if I wanted to group the first 4 and put the name as Defence and group the last 4 as Attack, How do i do that?
(without deleting the classes?)
these are my teams; im not so sure what i have to do. Some help?

#define TEAM_1 
#define TEAM_2 
#define TEAM_3 
#define TEAM_4 
#define TEAM_5 
#define TEAM_6 
#define TEAM_7 
#define TEAM_8
Thanks >>

Re: Teams - cacauagiar - 11.12.2010

you should make it like
when someone rob a store lets sayy he getss what the store offers like if he robs a weapon store he will get weaps and money if he rob a bank he will get only money but more money then in the store =B
its going to be cool and more realistic

Re: Teams - [UG]Scripter - 11.12.2010

Use If and Set Player Team.....