[Filterscript] Anti Weapon Cheating System (v.0.2 ) (Tested..Operates!) -
illay - 31.03.2009
Anti Weapon Cheating System, v.0.2 (Bug fixed)
Author: illay
pawn Код:
#include <a_samp>
/*Latest Update 03/04/09*/
forward public WeaponCheating();
forward public BanPlayer();
new TheWeapon[MAX_PLAYERS];
public OnFilterScriptInit()
print(" Anti-Weapon Cheat by illay");
print(" Version V.0.2 (Tested) l.updt: 03/04/09");
return 1;
public WeaponCheating() { //by illay
for(new i=0;i<MAX_PLAYERS;i++) {
if(TheWeapon[i]==35 /*thower*/ ||TheWeapon[i]==36 /*Rpg*/|| TheWeapon[i]==37 /* h_rpg*/|| TheWeapon[i]==38 /*minigun*/|| TheWeapon[i]==43 /*camera*/|| TheWeapon[i]==44/*Glasses*/|| TheWeapon[i]==45/*Glasses*/) {
SendClientMessage(i, 0xE60000FF, "No cheating in server! You have BANNED!");
return SetTimerEx("BanPlayer",500,false,"i","i");//Against causeless bannings
return 1; //return WeaponCheating() /retrurn WeaponCheating()/
public BanPlayer() { //by illay
for(new i=0;i<MAX_PLAYERS;i++) {
return BanEx(i,"WEAPON CHEATING");//samp.ban file reason "In game ban => WEAPON CHEATING
Forbidding agendum:
ip (hidden) [03/04/09 | 15:19:33] Player - WEAPON CHEATING <= reason
return 1;
Re: [Filterscript] Anti Weapon Cheating System (v.Beta) -
_TeRmiNaToR_ - 31.03.2009
if it found the weapons in server ?
Re: [Filterscript] Anti Weapon Cheating System (v.Beta) -
Norn - 31.03.2009
This should be in the useful snippets thread, it's hardly a system.
PS. When forwarding you don't add the "public".
(Your code won't even work, GetPlayerWeapon(i) has to be called after || still and your BanPlayer() function will ban the entire server, i recommend you remove this immediately.)
Re: [Filterscript] Anti Weapon Cheating System (v.Beta) -
Yuval_Baruch - 31.03.2009
Use GetPlayerWeaponData...
GetPlayerWeapon shows only the weapon that player is holding at the moment..
and what if i take out a weapon that you didnt wrote in here? so i still can use weapon hacks
with this FS, if you want to block weapons i suggest you to use 'SetDisabledWeapons' in ongamemodeinit...
Re: [Filterscript] Anti Weapon Cheating System (v.Beta) -
illay - 02.04.2009
Yes let him not receive, but never therewith ban..
_TeRmiNaToR_ ,
The organ you stretch at that time you take that gun the script the ordinal number
There is written his essence all the same how
Re: [Filterscript] Anti Weapon Cheating System (v.Beta) -
G_ROW_Chez - 02.04.2009
nice try, but it is not anticheat... add more things to it, like ammo detector or somethin... it's fucknhard to say to you, but it's good work for novice
Re: [Filterscript] Anti Weapon Cheating System (v.Beta) -
luby - 02.04.2009
It will ban all players ;o?
for(new i=0;i<MAX_PLAYERS;i++) {
return BanEx(i,"WEAPON CHEATING");//Reason to samp.ban file
or just id 0? (because of return)
But i think it will not work.
Re: [Filterscript] Anti Weapon Cheating System (v.Beta) -
G_ROW_Chez - 02.04.2009
haha xD
return can be used here if
for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if(banid==i) return something
but it's stupid, and needs to TimerEx
try... just this
forward BanPlayer(playerid);
public WeaponCheating() {
for(new i=0;i<MAX_PLAYERS;i++) {
if(GetPlayerWeapon(i)==35||36||37||38||43||44||45) {
SendClientMessage(i, 0xE60000FF, "No cheating in server! BANNED!");
//return SetTimerEx("BanPlayer",1000,false,"i","i"); do not use it when not if expression
return 1;
return 1;
public BanPlayer(playerid)
BanEx(playerid,"WEAPON CHEATING");//Reason to samp.ban file
return 1;
somthn like this
Re: [Filterscript] Anti Weapon Cheating System (v.Beta) -
luby - 02.04.2009
Originally Posted by G_ROW_Chez
haha xD
return can be used here if
((blab blah))
somthn like this
you should use SetTimerEx this way :
but why you used it? just put BanEx under SendClientMessage and it will ban and show message.
Re: [Filterscript] Anti Weapon Cheating System (v.Beta) -
G_ROW_Chez - 02.04.2009
he needs 1 second wait... =) i did 1 second timer =)
and TimerEx works fine even with this
SetTimerEx("public", time, false, "%d", "money");
so i write right too =)
Re: [Filterscript] Anti Weapon Cheating System (v.Beta) -
luby - 02.04.2009
I prefer use functions like it was written...
You dont need % in formatting. and you should use correct types of variables
"money" is string, money is integer
Re: [Filterscript] Anti Weapon Cheating System (v.Beta) -
G_ROW_Chez - 03.04.2009
hey, pipl, maybe we will not try to disput? =) i'm not a noob, you too... so lets just forgot about try of this newbie guy, ok?
Re: [Filterscript] Anti Weapon Cheating System (v.Beta) -
[JIeXa] - 03.04.2009
#include <a_samp>
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid) if(GetPlayerWeapon(playerid)==35||36||37||38||43|| 44||45) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xE60000FF, "No cheating in server! BANNED!"), BanEx(playerid,"WEAPON CHEATING");
author lol...
Re: [Filterscript] Anti Weapon Cheating System (v.Beta) -
luby - 03.04.2009
wont work.
GetPlayerWeapon(playerid)==35||36||37||38||43||44| |45
is bit swapping.
You should use { and } because you can just use ONE func without it.
Re: [Filterscript] Anti Weapon Cheating System (0.2) -
illay - 03.04.2009
Functional bugs now already faultlessly operates I repaired feel sorry for this
Re: [Filterscript] Anti Weapon Cheating System (v.0.2 ) (Tested..Operates!) -
luby - 03.04.2009
return SetTimerEx("BanPlayer",500,false,"i","i");//Against causeless bannings
Give me a reason why it should work. ("i" is string, i is integer, formatting 'i' makes func gets integer)
Re: [Filterscript] Anti Weapon Cheating System (v.0.2 ) (Tested..Operates!) -
illay - 03.04.2009
_TeRmiNaToR_ ,
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
if(playerid == 0) //If player id = 0 -> Kick. That how do the organ step up this? ;)
Fake thrice at that time rates if joins in inside ten second playful
Re: [Filterscript] Anti Weapon Cheating System (v.0.2 ) (Tested..Operates!) -
illay - 03.04.2009
i = playerid shortly. i = integer but non herein.
pawn Код:
for(new i=0;i<MAX_PLAYERS;i++) { /*Here code*/ }
for(new playerid=0;playerid<MAX_PLAYERS;playerid++) { /*Here code*/ }
Re: [Filterscript] Anti Weapon Cheating System (v.0.2 ) (Tested..Operates!) -
luby - 03.04.2009
why you didn't use :
return SetTimerEx("BanPlayer",500,false,"i",i);//Against causeless bannings
Re: [Filterscript] Anti Weapon Cheating System (v.0.2 ) (Tested..Operates!) -
illay - 03.04.2009
Both operates version. If do you like it you do not rewrite thus