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Gamemodes... - okopipurtdfr - 23.03.2009

I've tried to run a gamemode on my server.
The Grandfather RP or somthing.
When I run it, the black box pop's up for about half a second and closes.
In the log, it say's this:

[20:58:37] I couldn't load any gamemode scripts. Please verify your server.cfg
[20:58:37] It needs a gamemode0 line at the very least.

I've done everything right.
Put the includes in the pawno include folder, gamemode folder, script's ect.
What I noticed, is that it dosn't have an .amx
All the other one's that come with the server do, but this dosn't.
I havn't edited anything either.

Help please?

Re: Gamemodes... - Pyrokid - 23.03.2009

Compile the amx and try again.

Re: Gamemodes... - okopipurtdfr - 23.03.2009

[quote]What I noticed, is that it dosn't have an .amx - okopipurtdfr[quote]

Anyone else want to help?

Re: Gamemodes... - ICECOLDKILLAK8 - 23.03.2009

Go into Pawno, Open the script, Hit F6, Then goto server.cfg and make sure the
line says
gamemode0 gf
now try to start your server

Re: Gamemodes... - bernas - 23.03.2009

It doesn't need any extension, and even if it needed it would be .amx

You only need too put

gamemode0 gf

make sure that there is a gamemode named "gf" on your gamemode folder, gf.amx ( since it runs with .amx not .pwn )

Re: Gamemodes... - okopipurtdfr - 23.03.2009

Nevermind, I've got it working.
But, guess what.
New problem!

If I change ANYTHING in my user file, particulary right now trying to make me admin, it does somthing to my password.
I register, OK.
I login, OK.
I log-out, OK.
I log back in, OK.
I make myself admin, OK.
I log back in, PHAIL.

It say's the password dosn't match my name.
But there isn't even anything to change my password.

Re: Gamemodes... - ICECOLDKILLAK8 - 23.03.2009

Originally Posted by Mr_Bernas
It doesn't need any extension, and even if it needed it would be .amx

You only need too put

gamemode0 gf

make sure that there is a gamemode named "gf" on your gamemode folder, gf.amx ( since it runs with .amx not .pwn )
My bad, I wasnt concentrating and i put gf.pwn instead of gf, Edited

Re: Gamemodes... - bernas - 23.03.2009

Originally Posted by JeNkStAX
Originally Posted by Mr_Bernas
It doesn't need any extension, and even if it needed it would be .amx

You only need too put

gamemode0 gf

make sure that there is a gamemode named "gf" on your gamemode folder, gf.amx ( since it runs with .amx not .pwn )
My bad, I wasnt concentrating and i put gf.pwn instead of gf, Edited
It still doesn't need the .amx

Re: Gamemodes... - okopipurtdfr - 24.03.2009

I've fixed the gamemode problem, it's admin I'm having problem's with now.
Read up a few post's for the info.

Re: Gamemodes... - okopipurtdfr - 24.03.2009

Right, I've just found out this happen's with all gamemodes. Help!?