[FilterScript] [FS]NameColorChanger(NCC)[140Colors + α] - Printable Version
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[FS]NameColorChanger(NCC)[140Colors + α] -
aqua877 - 20.03.2009
Hi, I'm aqua877.
This script is NameColorChangerScript.
You can change/set your nametag color to blue and red and yellow and orange and so on(146 colors)
Color list is here.
const White = 0xffffff00;
const Snow = 0xfffafa00;
const GhostWhite = 0xf8f8ff00;
const FloralWhite = 0xfffaf000;
const Linen = 0xfaf0e600;
const AntiqueWhite = 0xfaebd700;
const PayayaWhip = 0xffefd500;
const BlanchedAlmond = 0xffebcd00;
const Bisque = 0xffe4c400;
const Moccasin = 0xffe4b500;
const NavajoWhite = 0xffdead00;
const PeachPuff = 0xffdab900;
const MistyRose = 0xffe4e100;
const LavenderBlush = 0xfff0f500;
const Seashell = 0xfff5ee00;
const OldLace = 0xfdf5e600;
const Ivory = 0xfffff000;
const Honeydew = 0xf0fff000;
const MintCream = 0xf5fffa00;
const Azure = 0xf0ffff00;
const AliceBlue = 0xf0f8ff00;
const Lavender = 0xe6e6fa00;
const Black = 0x00000000;
const DarkSlateGray = 0x2f4f4f00;
const DimGray = 0x69696900;
const Gray = 0x80808000;
const DarkGray = 0xa9a9a900;
const Silver = 0xc0c0c000;
const LightGray = 0xd3d3d300;
const Gainsboro = 0xdcdcdc00;
const LightSlateGray = 0x77889900;
const SlateGray = 0x70809000;
const LightSteelBlue = 0xb0c4de00;
const SteelBlue = 0x4682b400;
const RoyalBlue = 0x4169e100;
const MidnightBlue = 0x19197000;
const Navy = 0x00008000;
const DarkBlue = 0x00008b00;
const MediumBlue = 0x0000cd00;
const Blue = 0x0000ff00;
const DodgerBlue = 0x1e90ff00;
const CornflowerBlue = 0x6495ed00;
const DeepSkyBlue = 0x00bfff00;
const LightSkyBlue = 0x87cefa00;
const SkyBlue = 0x87ceeb00;
const LightBlue = 0xadd8e600;
const PowderBlue = 0xb0e0e600;
const PaleTurquoise = 0xafeeee00;
const Cyan = 0x00ffff00;
const Aqua = 0x00ffff00;
const Turquoise = 0x40e0d000;
const MediumTurquoise = 0x48d1cc00;
const DarkTurquoise = 0x00ced100;
const LightSeaGreen = 0x20b2aa00;
const CadetBlue = 0x5f9ea000;
const DarkCyan = 0x008b8b00;
const Teal = 0x00808000;
const SeaGreen = 0x2e8b5700;
const DarkOliveGreen = 0x556b2f00;
const DarkGreen = 0x00640000;
const Green = 0x00800000;
const ForestGreen = 0x228b2200;
const MediumSeaGreen = 0x3cb37100;
const DarkSeaGreen = 0x8fbc8f00;
const MediumAquamarine = 0x66cdaa00;
const Aquamarine = 0x7fffd400;
const PaleGreen = 0x98fb9800;
const LightGreen = 0x90ee9000;
const SpringGreen = 0x00ff7f00;
const MediumSpringGreen = 0x00fa9a00;
const LawnGreen = 0x7cfc0000;
const Chartreuse = 0x7fff0000;
const GreenYellow = 0xadff2f00;
const Lime = 0x00ff0000;
const LimeGreen = 0x32cd3200;
const YellowGreen = 0x9acd3200;
const OliveDrab = 0x6b8e2300;
const Olive = 0x80800000;
const DarkKhaki = 0xbdb76b00;
const PaleGoldenrod = 0xeee8aa00;
const Cornsilk = 0xfff8dc00;
const Beige = 0xf5f5dc00;
const LightYellow = 0xffffe000;
const Lightgoldenrodyellow = 0xfafad200;
const LemonChiffon = 0xfffacd00;
const Wheat = 0xf5deb3;
const Burlywood = 0xdeb88700;
const Tan = 0xd2b48c00;
const Khaki = 0xf0e68c00;
const Yellow = 0xffff0000;
const Gold = 0xffd70000;
const Orange = 0xffa50000;
const SandyBrown = 0xf4a46000;
const DarkOrange = 0xff8c0000;
const Goldenrod = 0xdaa52000;
const Peru = 0xcd863f00;
const DarkGoldenrod = 0xb8860b00;
const Chocolate = 0xd2691e00;
const Sienna = 0xa0522d00;
const SaddleBrown = 0x8b451300;
const Maroon = 0x80000000;
const DarkRed = 0x8b000000;
const Brown = 0xa52a2a00;
const Firebrick = 0xb2222200;
const IndianRed = 0xcd5c5c00;
const RosyBrown = 0xbc8f8f00;
const DarkSalmon = 0xe9967a00;
const LightCoral = 0xf0808000;
const Salmon = 0xfa807200;
const LightSalmon = 0xffa07a00;
const Coral = 0xff775000;
const Tomato = 0xff634700;
const OrangeRed = 0xff450000;
const Red = 0xff000000;
const Crimson = 0xdc143c00;
const MediumVioletRed = 0xc7158500;
const DeepPink = 0xff149300;
const HotPink = 0xff69b400;
const PaleVioletPink = 0xdb709300;
const Pink = 0xffc0cb00;
const LightPink = 0xffb6c100;
const Thistle = 0xd8bfd800;
const Magenda = 0xff00ff00;
const Fuchsia = 0xff00ff00;
const Violet = 0xee82ee00;
const Plum = 0xdda0dd00;
const Orchid = 0xda70d600;
const MediumOrchid = 0xba55d300;
const DarkOrchid = 0x9932cc00;
const DarkViolet = 0x9400d300;
const DarkMagenda = 0x8b008b00;
const Purple = 0x80008000;
const Indigo = 0x4b008200;
const DarkSlateBlue = 0x483d8b;
const BlueViolet = 0x8a2be200;
const MediumPurple = 0x9370db00;
const SlateBlue = 0x6a70db00;
const MediumSlateBlue = 0x7b68ee00;
const Brass = 0xb5a64200;
const CoolCopper = 0xd9871900;
const Copper = 0xbf00df00;
const CornFlower = 0xbfefdf00;
const DarkBrown = 0xda0b0000;
const Feldsper = 0xfed0e000;
const RichBlue = 0x0cb0e000;
const Mouse = 0x99999900;
/color [ColorName]:Change your name color.
/color find [Keyword]:Find the colors.
Maybe I think it have some bugs...
and sorry to my bad english.
Re: [FS]NameColorChanger(NCC)[140Colors + α] -
propilot - 20.03.2009
good job
Re: [FS]NameColorChanger(NCC)[140Colors + α] -
caribe88 - 21.03.2009
I have fast the same in my server you put /crazynick and it changes every 2 sec to an other color
Yours is nice too
Re: [FS]NameColorChanger(NCC)[140Colors + α] -
Danut - 21.03.2009
why did you used static ?
Re: [FS]NameColorChanger(NCC)[140Colors + α] -
Gonzole - 21.03.2009
nice work man
[attachment deleted by admin]
Re: [FS]NameColorChanger(NCC)[140Colors + α] -
Basss - 22.03.2009
nice work man i like it (:
Re: [FS]NameColorChanger(NCC)[140Colors + α] -
aqua877 - 27.03.2009
i fixed some bugs.
please download in here.
Re: [FS]NameColorChanger(NCC)[140Colors + α] -
worxds - 27.03.2009
Nice work.
Re: [FS]NameColorChanger(NCC)[140Colors + α] -
RodgerS - 28.03.2009
Its in "Zipperhead" lettering, I can't understand any of it!!! put it in English please.
Re: [FS]NameColorChanger(NCC)[140Colors + α] -
Jaztek_Hodzic - 28.03.2009
very nice and useful
good work