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a lil mysql error :X - Printable Version

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a lil mysql error :X - Think - 18.03.2009

[15:38:33] DEBUG OnPlayerLogin(0) (lol)
[15:38:33] Error in mysql_query: Unknown column 'Gangstah' in 'where clause'
[15:38:33] Error in mysql_store_result: Unknown column 'Gangstah' in 'where clause'

pawn Код:
format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM users WHERE name='%s' AND password='%s'", playername2, string);
thats the code wuts wrong?

Re: a lil mysql error :X - MenaceX^ - 18.03.2009

'Gangstah' is?

Re: a lil mysql error :X - Think - 18.03.2009

Originally Posted by MenaceX^
'Gangstah' is?
the account name of the person who tested this

Re: a lil mysql error :X - MenaceX^ - 18.03.2009

Is he registered?

Re: a lil mysql error :X - Think - 18.03.2009

Originally Posted by MenaceX^
Is he registered?
he is in the database:

Re: a lil mysql error :X - MenaceX^ - 18.03.2009

I dunno in your way.
In my codes I have a varieble to check the player registation ID, each registation adds one more ID.
So I can select it like
pawn Код:
format(string,sizeof(string),"SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id`='%d'",pInfo[playerid][registeredid]);
I never tried it with names..

Re: a lil mysql error :X - Think - 18.03.2009

i got those ID's but if i do onplayerlogin i dont know his ID yet do i?

Re: a lil mysql error :X - MenaceX^ - 18.03.2009

I guess you didn't define it...
in ONPlayerRegister the player should get an id +1.
Like, you were registered with ID 55. Someone else registers with 56 (+1)

Re: a lil mysql error :X - Think - 18.03.2009

yes but how would i know his ID if i dont know how to bind it to a variable when joining? ¬¬

Re: a lil mysql error :X - Jack_Fox - 18.03.2009

Just put user_id on auto_increcement and then use INSERT