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YSI Or XStreamer, or maybe another Object streamer? - Printable Version

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YSI Or XStreamer, or maybe another Object streamer? - Remi-X - 18.03.2009

Hi, I was wondering wich one I can better use as my object streamer: XStreamer or YSI? I have a everything server, but some stunts are stunts wich have high speed. Like a platform high in the are, and a large road to the ground and than a jump. Sometimes when I use YSI for thaI'm missing a part of the road and not a second later it's back, but my car is than sticked into that road.

And i've never used XStreamer.

So what can I better use for my serverm Xstreamer, YSI or maybe both? Or maybe another?

Re: YSI Or XStreamer, or maybe another Object streamer? - MenaceX^ - 18.03.2009


Re: YSI Or XStreamer, or maybe another Object streamer? - Google63 - 18.03.2009

It depends what you need

Re: YSI Or XStreamer, or maybe another Object streamer? - LarzI - 18.03.2009


Re: YSI Or XStreamer, or maybe another Object streamer? - MenaceX^ - 18.03.2009

Don't post your useless replies please. There's no "Depends in what you need" in this case. Because the whole topic, is about the OBJECTS.
Read before posting please.

Re: YSI Or XStreamer, or maybe another Object streamer? - Remi-X - 18.03.2009

Ok, so you want to say that YSI is better for a stunt server like mine? And it stream faster dan XStreamer?

Re: YSI Or XStreamer, or maybe another Object streamer? - MenaceX^ - 18.03.2009

Y_Objects is better... Doesn't matter if you're scripting stunts or RP or DM.
I tested long time ago the X_Streamer and it shows objects when you really really close to that.. Y_Objects has a bigger view distance and in my opinion and many other opinions Y_Objects is better..

Re: YSI Or XStreamer, or maybe another Object streamer? - Remi-X - 18.03.2009

Ok, tnx, than I'm going to use YSI forever :P
Nah, for 1 thing not. The big jump where i was talking about. I'm going to set that in the normal SA:MP objects, because it has not much objects, 52 to be exactly :P

Re: YSI Or XStreamer, or maybe another Object streamer? - Outbreak - 18.03.2009

I've tried every object streamer, most don't live upto their hype.

Between YSI and xStreamer I'd go for xSrreamer plugin.

For me YSI wasn't very good, objects would appear only when I was 2feet away, and some would vanish while i was on top of them.

That was with about 78 objects in the area.

xStreamer performs a lot better, the problem with that is it interferes with CreateObject so can sometimes cause crashes.

Neither in my opinion are very reliable or stable but xStreamer is the better one.

Re: YSI Or XStreamer, or maybe another Object streamer? - MenaceX^ - 18.03.2009

Never happened to me in Y_Objects. How many objects you got there?