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Creating Vehicle Spawn - Printable Version

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Creating Vehicle Spawn - aspire5630 - 07.03.2009

Ok. im making my own very gm and im a NOOB Scripter,
(I have other scripters helping me But their busy)
and i was just wondering if their is a program to create vehice spawn points, because i have loads of vehicles to add round the map

Just like theirs a program to make maps )MTA(

Re: Creating Vehicle Spawn - Alec24 - 07.03.2009

Have you tried using the Debug tool with SAMP. Park the vehicle and type /save to save the location of the vehicle. Open the savedpositions.txt and copy it into your code.

public OnGameModeInit()
AddStaticVehicle(403,-1580.7930,-2717.4753,49.1453,57.0597,30,1); //
return 1;