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Wanted? - Printable Version

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Wanted? - puchini - 06.03.2009

Hello, dear Scripter
If I give to somebody a Wanted and makes several minutes of late a GMX the
Wanteds Are not indicated any more... I would like to continue this the Wanteds
after a GMX or Relogg!! can somebody help me?

mfg. puchini

Re: Wanted? - ICECOLDKILLAK8 - 06.03.2009

The only way would be to save them to a User File

Re: Wanted? - puchini - 06.03.2009

lol.... like I make this

Re: Wanted? - ICECOLDKILLAK8 - 06.03.2009

Just get a simple Register/Login system and then add an extra stat to save

Re: Wanted? - maij - 07.03.2009

get dini for example, its a good one, dracoblue made a new one though;

the usage is simple and easy, give it a try;