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Help - MonkeyMadness - 05.03.2009

in my server when i do a stunt i dont get insane stunt bonus so im confused can anyone tell me why or give me a filter script to enable insane stunt bonus in my server?

Re: Help - Hot - 05.03.2009

put it under OnPlayerSpawn or OnPlayerConnect, i forgot :P

Search first at wiki:

Re: Help - Salmon - 05.03.2009

pawn Код:
public OnGameModeInit()
  return 1;
although it should be enabled by default, search your scripts for EnableStuntBonusForAll to check if its disabled.

Re: Help - MonkeyMadness - 06.03.2009

i done it but i keep getting auto kicked for money cheat

Re: Help - Salmon - 06.03.2009

Well your getting kicked because it is an unaccounted way to get money.
Either disable your anti-cheat or modify it to allow a few hundred dollars of unnacounted money.