Adding Player Classes [HELP] - Printable Version
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Adding Player Classes [HELP] -
StrickenKid - 05.03.2009
Ok, im now scripting a turf wars server and im in a pickle.
i made a list of all the skins i want to use but theirs allot and i think theirs an easier way.
Lets say i have 1 team with skinid: 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 etc.....
and another team with skinid: 200 201 202 203 204 205 etc.....
and instead of putting
AddPlayerClass(blablabla) for each skinid
can i make something like:
new BallaSkins {100,101,102,103,104,105,106}
and then put
AddPlayerClass(BallaSkins,blabla pos and weps);
can it be done?
Re: Adding Player Classes [HELP] -
StrickenKid - 05.03.2009
anyone? please
Re: Adding Player Classes [HELP] -
Kriztian - 05.03.2009
Not many people are on. Be patient
Re: Adding Player Classes [HELP] -
Finn - 05.03.2009
pawn Код:
new BallaSkins[] = { 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106 };
pawn Код:
for(new skin; skin < sizeof(BallaSkins); skin++) AddPlayerClass(BallaSkins[skin], ...);
Re: Adding Player Classes [HELP] -
StrickenKid - 05.03.2009
thx man thats exactly what i needed!