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Object Create (2) - Printable Version

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Object Create (2) - Starskyyy - 04.03.2009

I see in different servers have more then 250 objects o.O How? Pls help me!

Re: Object Create (2) - Marcel - 04.03.2009

Streamer, xStreamer, Y_Objects, there is a plugin too.

Re: Object Create (2) - 1337pr0 - 04.03.2009

With an object streamer. Search for "Object Streamer" on the forum. The one I use is called "Midostream".

Re: Object Create (2) - Starskyyy - 04.03.2009


Re: Object Create (2) - Marcel - 04.03.2009


Re: Object Create (2) - Starskyyy - 04.03.2009


Re: Object Create (2) - Starskyyy - 04.03.2009

I found an "Object Streamer" , but how can i use it? or what

Re: Object Create (2) - Marcel - 04.03.2009

It most likely is a filterscript, look in the instructions how to add objects, then compile it, by pressing f5 in Pawno. Put the .amx file in the filterscripts directory. Login to RCON and then use

/rcon loadfs filenamewithout.amx

to load the filterscript, the objects will appear now.

Re: Object Create (2) - Starskyyy - 04.03.2009

OK THX MARcel what is te best "object streamer" ?

Re: Object Create (2) - Marcel - 04.03.2009

That depends on what you want, do you have a stunt server with alot of stunt parks that need to show a lot of objects at the same time. Or do you just want a lot of objects without showing a lot of objects at the same time?