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mysql_log(ALL) crashing the server after a restart - Printable Version

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mysql_log(ALL) crashing the server after a restart - Pitstop - 18.06.2020


Once I set mysql_log(ALL) in ongamemodeinit the server is crashing after a GMX.
Server is running only if I run it through the Panel but after a gmx it's lagging and then a crash occurred .
What shall I do to fix it ?

Re: mysql_log(ALL) crashing the server after a restart - jasperschellekens - 18.06.2020

You should not use GMX imo. It never fully reloads the server.

Re: mysql_log(ALL) crashing the server after a restart - Kwarde - 18.06.2020

Easiest (fix) бnd best way is indeed to make sure you've some kind of auto-restarting system and use exit instead.

Re: mysql_log(ALL) crashing the server after a restart - Pitstop - 18.06.2020

Originally Posted by jasperschellekens
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You should not use GMX imo. It never fully reloads the server.
I never knew it thanks alot
so always 'exit' it and run again ?

Re: mysql_log(ALL) crashing the server after a restart - Kwarde - 18.06.2020

That would be the better option.
Here are some examples to have it automatically restart after closing for whatever reason (rcon exit, crash)