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login/register dialogs won't show up - Printable Version

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login/register dialogs won't show up - Mike861 - 04.05.2020

I have previously had mysql cache login/register system, but i converted it to orm. Now i'm not sure what the issue is, but the dialogs won't show when player joins.

Under OnPlayerConnect

        static const empty_player[player_info];
	playerdata[playerid] = empty_player;

	new ORM:ormid = playerdata[playerid][orm_id] = orm_create("players", mysql_handle);
	orm_addvar_int(ormid, playerdata[playerid][id], "id");
	orm_addvar_string(ormid, playerdata[playerid][username], MAX_PLAYER_NAME, "username");
	orm_addvar_string(ormid, playerdata[playerid][password], PASSWORD_SIZE, "password");
	orm_addvar_string(ormid, playerdata[playerid][salt], SALT_SIZE, "salt");
	orm_addvar_int(ormid, playerdata[playerid][adminlevel], "adminlevel");
	orm_addvar_int(ormid, playerdata[playerid][playerscore], "score");
	orm_addvar_int(ormid, playerdata[playerid][playermoney], "money");
	orm_addvar_int(ormid, playerdata[playerid][playerskin], "skin");
	orm_addvar_float(ormid, playerdata[playerid][playerhealth], "health");
	orm_addvar_float(ormid, playerdata[playerid][playerarmour], "armour");
	orm_addvar_float(ormid, playerdata[playerid][posx], "posx");
	orm_addvar_float(ormid, playerdata[playerid][posy], "posy");
	orm_addvar_float(ormid, playerdata[playerid][posz], "posz");
	orm_addvar_float(ormid, playerdata[playerid][posa], "posa");
	orm_addvar_int(ormid, playerdata[playerid][playerinterior], "interior");
	orm_addvar_int(ormid, playerdata[playerid][playervirtualworld], "virtualworld");
	orm_setkey(ormid, "username");

	orm_load(ormid, "OnPlayerLoad", "dd", playerid, mysql_race_check[playerid]);
OnPlayerLoad callback
forward OnPlayerLoad(playerid, race_check);
public OnPlayerLoad(playerid, race_check)
	if(race_check != mysql_race_check[playerid]) return Kick(playerid);

	orm_setkey(playerdata[playerid][orm_id], "id");
	new string[128];
	switch (orm_errno(playerdata[playerid][orm_id]))
	    case ERROR_OK:
	    	format(string, sizeof(string), "Welcome back to the server, {FFFFFF}%s.\n{A9C4E4}Type in your password below to log in to your account.", GetName(playerid));
	        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, "Account Login", string, "Login", "Quit");
	    case ERROR_NO_DATA:
	    	format(string, sizeof(string), "Welcome to the server, {FFFFFF}%s.\n{A9C4E4}Type your desired password below to register your account.", GetName(playerid));
		ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_REGISTER, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, "Account Register", string, "Register", "Quit");
	return 1;

Re: login/register dialogs won't show up - Mike861 - 05.05.2020


Re: login/register dialogs won't show up - hopeonxanny - 05.05.2020

orm_setkey(ormid, "username");
add the orm_apply_cache function

orm_apply_cache( ormid, 0 ); // example
i dont know why, but i've changed it to
orm_setkey( ormid, "ID" );
instead "username"...

i am just trying to help, maybe that solves your problem

edit: check this and the other functions, not this only one.
you should modify that "0" according to your script

Re: login/register dialogs won't show up - Mike861 - 05.05.2020

Originally Posted by hopeonxanny
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orm_setkey(ormid, "username");
add the orm_apply_cache function

orm_apply_cache( ormid, 0 ); // example
i dont know why, but i've changed it to
orm_setkey( ormid, "ID" );
instead "username"...

i am just trying to help, maybe that solves your problem

edit: check this and the other functions, not this only one.
you should modify that "0" according to your script
Thanks for your help, but that didn't fix the issue.

Re: login/register dialogs won't show up - Mike861 - 05.05.2020

I also have the cache version of my gamemode, because it's short and i recently started it. That version has issues aswell, if no one knows how to help i might switch back to cache because atleast it works more than orm.