Caligula's Vault Door -
StrickenKid - 01.03.2009
Im making my script so you have to break open that vault door at the bottom of Caligula's but i cant find the door id, so please someone who has it give it!
Re: Caligula's Vault Door -
Kidbass - 01.03.2009
RULE: Dont ask for object ID's.
Search yourself.
Re: Caligula's Vault Door -
StrickenKid - 01.03.2009
the thing is I DID.
Re: Caligula's Vault Door -
member - 01.03.2009
Try looking harder.
It might be listed here:
If you want a visual look at it, then it's best u use a map editor.
Re: Caligula's Vault Door -
Yoyoyo - 01.03.2009
Well if you are using mta map editor you can go to Interior Objects>>Doors and Windows>>and it should be one of objects there. I think it is around 1-30 or something so look there.....
Re: Caligula's Vault Door -
StrickenKid - 01.03.2009
i cant get mta map editor to work, and i dont even know where the newest download is, can someone post it?
Re: Caligula's Vault Door -
KyleLyndonSmith - 01.03.2009
Re: Caligula's Vault Door -
StrickenKid - 01.03.2009
is it normal for that dor to change to rainbow colors? lol because i was placing it in with an ingame object editor and it turned to rainbow colors lol :S
Re: Caligula's Vault Door -
JOliver - 01.03.2009
2634 ab_vaultDoor
Re: Caligula's Vault Door -
StrickenKid - 02.03.2009
Originally Posted by iTails
I want to know why its a crime to ask for a friggen id? He asked for help and all you do is "find it yourself". Apparently he can't find it, so what the hell else was he supposed to do?
Anyways, to confirm the ID, its 2634.
I agree with you 100%, this forum purpose is for help, not for jackasses to say "find it yourself", if everyone said that nothing would get accomplished.
Also, when people post "Use My Friend" and its a link to the search, obviously the person already searched and didn't find anything. Again this forum is for help and i dont find any help in "find it yourself" or Use My Search Friend.
Re: Caligula's Vault Door -
Rks25 - 02.03.2009
To avoid miscommunication.
This server is not a helpdesk in the sense of: gimme gimme gimme!, and we will give happily.
BUT, it is an server in which also the asker should do some effort. Because you need to learn scripting and not be dependend on others.(for ever)
Re: Caligula's Vault Door -
Mikep - 02.03.2009
Originally Posted by Rks_
To avoid miscommunication.
This server is not a helpdesk in the sense of: gimme gimme gimme!, and we will give happily.
BUT, it is an server in which also the asker should do some effort. Because you need to learn scripting and not be dependend on others.(for ever)
What server? This is a forum..
Re: Caligula's Vault Door -
StrickenKid - 02.03.2009
i am actually thinking of making a program that shows all the objects and match up the ids to a pic, but it will take a while to script....
Re: Caligula's Vault Door -
Rks25 - 02.03.2009
@ mikep, i ment forum.