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Need help with a public message command. - Printable Version

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Need help with a public message command. - Drift_04 - 26.02.2009

i want to make it so when somebody kills someone it says in the chat example names: larry66 has owned jack656 how can i do that?

first of all i dont know how to make a public message and second of all idk how to get the players name to show up.

so can comeone please make me a script of how to do it? Thankyou!!


Re: Need help with a public message command. - [RP]Rav - 26.02.2009

look at: OnPlayerDeath, SendClientMessageToAll and GetPlayerName

Re: Need help with a public message command. - SpiderPork - 26.02.2009

Originally Posted by Rav
look at: OnPlayerDeath, SendClientMessageToAll and GetPlayerName
And look for strings.

Re: Need help with a public message command. - Mikep - 26.02.2009

Drift, what did I tell you earlier?