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fishing problem - Printable Version

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fishing problem - CJ101 - 25.02.2009

	if (strcmp(cmdtext, "/fish", true)==0)
 	new vehid;
	vehid = GetVehicleModel(playerid);

	if(vehid == 446 || vehid == 472 || vehid == 473 || vehid == 493 || vehid == 595 || vehid == 484 || vehid == 430 || vehid == 453 || vehid == 452 || vehid == 454)
  SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_LIGHTBLUE,"[FISHING]: You caught a fish and replenished some health.");
	new oldhealth;
	oldhealth = GetPlayerHealth(playerid);
	SetPlayerHealth(playerid,oldhealth + 20);
	SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"[FISHING]: Your not in water! Fish don't come out of the concrete!");
  return 1;
i get following error:

C:\PROGRA~1\ROCKST~1\GAMEMO~1\paradise.pwn(1679) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition

Re: fishing problem - Grim_ - 25.02.2009

which line is 1679?

Re: fishing problem - CJ101 - 25.02.2009

oldhealth = GetPlayerHealth(playerid);

Re: fishing problem - Rks25 - 25.02.2009

pawn Код:
new Float:oldhealth;

Re: fishing problem - CJ101 - 25.02.2009

1 more problem. even if they are in a boat, its says they're not.

Re: fishing problem - yom - 25.02.2009

pawn Код:
vehid = GetVehicleModel(playerid);
Nice one..

Re: fishing problem - CJ101 - 25.02.2009

well i cant use vehicleid cause im in OnPlayerCommand

Re: fishing problem - Lewwy - 25.02.2009

Of course you can use it, you can use it by defining it.

Re: fishing problem - kc - 25.02.2009

Originally Posted by cj101
well i cant use vehicleid cause im in OnPlayerCommand
its called GetPlayerVehicleID

Re: fishing problem - CJ101 - 25.02.2009

i use that, and still get the problem.