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Help with saving stats (Money and Score) - Printable Version

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Help with saving stats (Money and Score) - V3nuZ - 23.02.2009

Hey all. I'm working on a little adminscript and need a bit of help with it :/

So im trying to get it to save stats. Here's what i got:

public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
	new pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
	new Destination[50];
	if (Logged[playerid] == 1)
 		GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, sizeof(pname));
 		dini_IntSet(udb_encode(Destination),"Money", GetPlayerMoney(playerid));
 		dini_IntSet(udb_encode(Destination),"Score", GetPlayerScore(playerid));
	return 1;
That code doesn't work, The stats dont save D: Please help :P


Re: Help with saving stats (Money and Score) - Rks25 - 23.02.2009

doesnt that code work, or what is wrong with it?

Re: Help with saving stats (Money and Score) - V3nuZ - 23.02.2009

It doesn't work.

Re: Help with saving stats (Money and Score) - Jefff - 23.02.2009

public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
	new pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME],Destination[256];
	GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, sizeof(pname));
	if (dini_Exists(Destination) && Logged[playerid])
 		dini_IntSet(Destination,"Money", GetPlayerMoney(playerid));
 		dini_IntSet(Destination,"Score", GetPlayerScore(playerid));
	return 1;