SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team [21:25:47] [21:25:47] Server Plugins [21:25:47] -------------- [21:25:47] Loading plugin: [21:25:47] CrashDetect v4.15.1 is OK. [21:25:47] Loaded. [21:25:47] Loading plugin: [21:25:47] [21:25:47] =============================== [21:25:47] sscanf plugin loaded. [21:25:47] Version: 2.8.1 [21:25:47] © 2012 Alex "******" Cole [21:25:47] =============================== [21:25:47] Loaded. [21:25:47] Loading plugin: [21:25:47] *** Streamer Plugin v2.9.2 by Incognito loaded *** [21:25:47] Loaded. [21:25:47] Loaded 3 plugins. [21:25:47] [21:25:47] Filterscripts [21:25:47] --------------- [21:25:47] Loading filterscript 'Botones.amx'... [21:25:47] Loading filterscript 'beachside.amx'... [21:25:48] [21:25:48] |--------------------------------------------------- [21:25:48] |--- LS BeachSide Filterscript [21:25:48] |-- Script v1.03 [21:25:48] |-- 19th April 2015 [21:25:48] |--------------------------------------------------- [21:25:48] |-- LS BeachSide Building Elevator created [21:25:48] |--------------------------------------------------- [21:25:48] Loading filterscript 'LACFDPalomino.amx'... [21:25:48] Loading filterscript 'Ayuntamiento.amx'... [21:25:48] Loaded 4 filterscripts. [21:25:48] [21:25:48] [21:25:48] [21:25:48] ======================================= [21:25:48] | | [21:25:48] | YSI version 3.09.0684 | [21:25:48] | By Alex "******" Cole | [21:25:48] | | [21:25:48] ======================================= [21:25:48] [21:25:48] [21:25:48] [21:25:48] » Sistema de graffitis cargado (0). [21:25:48] » Sistema de objetos dinбmicos cargado (163). [21:25:48] » Sistema de puertas dinamicas cargado (0). [21:25:48] » Sistema de status del servidor cargado. [21:25:48] » Sistema de casas cargado (7). [21:25:48] » Sistema de garajes cargado (0). [21:25:48] » Sistema de negocios cargado (20). [21:25:48] » Sistema de gasolineras cargado (4). [21:25:48] » Incendios cargados. [21:25:48] » Sistema de telйfonos pъblicos cargado (0). [21:25:48] » Sistema de ATMs cargado (0). [21:25:48] » Sistema de semillas cargado (0). [21:25:48] » Sistema de micrуfonos cargado (0). [21:25:48] » Sistema de basureros cargado (8). [21:25:48] |- Cajas dinбmicas (0) [21:25:48] » Sistema de talleres cargado (0). [21:25:48] # Actores cargados correctamente. [21:25:48] » Sistema de concesionarias cargado (87). [21:25:48] » Sistema de vehнculos usados cargados (0). [21:25:48] » Sistema de empresas cargado (3). [21:25:48] » Sistema de vehнculos cargado (3). [21:25:48] » Sistema de grupos cargado. [21:25:48] » Sistema de parqueos/peajes cargado (9). [21:25:48] » Objetos unicos cargado (0). [21:25:48] [21:25:48] SERVIDOR INICIADO CON ЙXITO. [21:25:48] [21:25:48] =================================================================== [21:25:48] [21:25:48] [21:25:48] =================================================================== [21:25:48] [21:25:48] Number of vehicle models: 1
[00:51:15] Error: Function not registered: 'SSCANF_Init' [00:51:15] Error: Function not registered: 'SSCANF_IsConnected' [00:51:15] Error: Function not registered: 'SSCANF_Join' [00:51:15] Error: Function not registered: 'SSCANF_Leave' [00:51:15] Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamic3DTextLabel' [00:51:15] Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamicObject' [00:51:15] Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamicCP' [00:51:15] Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyDynamicPickup' [00:51:15] Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamicPickup' [00:51:15] Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyDynamicMapIcon' [00:51:15] Error: Function not registered: 'sscanf' [00:51:15] Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyDynamicObject' [00:51:15] Error: Function not registered: 'Streamer_Update' [00:51:15] Error: Function not registered: 'IsPlayerInDynamicArea' [00:51:15] Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyDynamic3DTextLabel' [00:51:15] Error: Function not registered: 'TogglePlayerAllDynamicCPs' [00:51:15] Error: Function not registered: 'SetDynamicObjectMaterialText' [00:51:15] Error: Function not registered: 'EditDynamicObject' [00:51:15] Error: Function not registered: 'SetDynamicObjectMaterial' [00:51:15] Error: Function not registered: 'Streamer_UpdateEx' [00:51:15] Error: Function not registered: 'MoveDynamicObject' [00:51:15] Error: Function not registered: 'IsValidDynamicObject' [00:51:15] Error: Function not registered: 'GetDynamicObjectPos'
Functions are in newer version. Your version is old, so functions are not registered.
NOTE: don't forget update and linux plugins. |
I just updated and remains the same. I can not go to any coordinate, no command works. I fall to the void.
You have to be more clear. Which command(s) is (are) not working? Do you mind showing us some code instead of a server log file without errors? Do you get any message (SERVER: Unkown command, maybe?) while executing the command(s) ingame?
Also i don't know what command processor is cmd, Pawn.CMD maybe? Show us your OnPlayerCommandReceived/OnPlayerCommandPerformed too. |
Stop spamming. You were asked to show your commands, you didn't. We can't help because we aren't psychic.
Try changing your command processor. You're currently using "cmd" (idk what is), try zcmd or izcmd.