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YSI - minimessi10 - 23.03.2019


I'm relatively new using YSI. I would like to know how I can load xml (with y_xml) and load the information into a dialog (with y_dialogs)?

Thanks <3

Re: YSI - minimessi10 - 23.03.2019

The result I want to achieve is similar to reading text using y_text. The idea would be to create xml files with dialog information like title, text, buttons and load them at server startup (similar to this Would you give it to use with y_languages ​​as well?

Re: YSI - minimessi10 - 23.03.2019

// File: dialog_login.xml

<dialog type="password">
    <text>Inform your password</text>
So the code would look something like:
new DialogLogin;

public OnGameModeInit() {
    DialogLogin = loadXmlForDialog("dialog_login.xml");
    return 1;
