Paintball bug -
Cordyandrey - 04.03.2019
I have a problem at paintball system:
When the round ends it does not reset kills all, sometimes to me or my friend.. random... and
do not reset the weapons.
I tried to solve but I can not ..
new SQL =-1
// Local
PaintballWinnerScore[3], PaintballWinner[3], PaintTime[3] = -1, etc.
// Text draw
PlayerText: PaintTD
if(PaintType[killerid] != 0 && PaintType[playerid] != 0) {
if(PaintText[PaintType[playerid]-1] > 1) return 1;
if(PaintTime[PaintType[playerid]-1] < 1) return 1;
for(new m; m < 2; m++) {
if(PlayerInfo[killerid][pDailyMission][m] == 0) CheckMission(killerid, m);
PlayerInfo[killerid][pPaintKills][PaintType[killerid]-1] ++;
switch(PaintType[killerid]-1) {
case 0: UpdateVar(killerid, "PaintKills1", PlayerInfo[killerid][pPaintKills][PaintType[killerid]-1]);
case 1: UpdateVar(killerid, "PaintKills2", PlayerInfo[killerid][pPaintKills][PaintType[killerid]-1]);
case 2: UpdateVar(killerid, "PaintKills3", PlayerInfo[killerid][pPaintKills][PaintType[killerid]-1]);
PlayerInfo[playerid][pPaintDeaths][PaintType[playerid]-1] ++;
switch(PaintType[playerid]-1) {
case 0: UpdateVar(playerid, "PaintDeaths1", PlayerInfo[playerid][pPaintDeaths][PaintType[playerid]-1]);
case 1: UpdateVar(playerid, "PaintDeaths2", PlayerInfo[playerid][pPaintDeaths][PaintType[playerid]-1]);
case 2: UpdateVar(playerid, "PaintDeaths3", PlayerInfo[playerid][pPaintDeaths][PaintType[playerid]-1]);
PKills[killerid] ++;
PDeaths[playerid] ++;
if(PaintType[killerid] == 3 && PaintType[playerid] == 3) {
if(GetPaintLevel(playerid) == 8) {
foreach(Player,i) {
if(IsPlayerConnected(i) && IsPlayerLogged[i] == 1) {
if(PaintType[i] == PaintType[killerid]) {
new pp = PaintType[killerid]-1;
for(new m = 0; m < 5; m++) SendDeathMessageToPlayer(i, 1001, 1001, 200);
format(string, sizeof(string), "* %s a castigat runda deoarece a omorat pe %s cu cutitul.", GetName(killerid), GetName(playerid));
SendPaintMessage(PaintType[i]-1, COLOR_YELLOW, string);
PaintTime[pp] = 300;
PKills[i] = 0, PDeaths[i] = 0;
PaintballWinner[pp] = i;
PaintballWinnerScore[pp] = 0;
else GiveSkillWeapon(killerid);
foreach(Player,i) if(PaintType[i] == PaintType[playerid] && PlayerInfo[i][pAdmin] == 0) SendDeathMessageToPlayer(i, killerid, playerid, reason);
if(PKills[killerid] > PaintballWinnerScore[PaintType[playerid]-1]) {
PaintballWinner[PaintType[playerid]-1] = killerid;
PaintballWinnerScore[PaintType[playerid]-1] = PKills[killerid];
else {
if(PaintType[playerid] != 0) format(string, sizeof(string), "{5088BF}%s [%d kills]: {FFFFFF}%s", GetNameEx(playerid), PKills[playerid], text);
else format(string, sizeof(string), "%s: {FFFFFF}%s", GetNameEx(playerid), text);
if(PaintType[playerid] != 0) {
SendPaintMessage(PaintType[playerid], -1, string);
return 0;
if(!response) return 1;
MapVotes[PaintType[playerid]-1][listitem] ++;
Voted[playerid] = 1;
format(string, sizeof(string), "%s a votat pentru mapa %s.", GetName(playerid), MapName2(listitem));
SendPaintMessage(PaintType[playerid], COLOR_CLIENT, string);
if(!response) return 1;
PaintType[playerid] = listitem+1;
PKills[playerid] = 0, PDeaths[playerid] = 0;
format(string, sizeof(string), "%s a intrat in arena de paintball.", GetName(playerid));
SendPaintMessage(listitem+1, COLOR_YELLOW, string);
PlayerTextDrawHide(playerid, PaintTD);
if(PlayersOnPaint(listitem) == 2) {
PaintTime[listitem] = -1;
PaintText[listitem] = 60;
SendPaintMessage(listitem+1, COLOR_YELLOW, "Runda va incepe peste un minut. Pentru a vota o mapa, folositi comanda /votemap.");
PaintVote[listitem] = 1;
if(PaintTimer[listitem] != 0) KillTimer(PaintTimer[listitem]), PaintTimer[listitem] = 0;
PaintTimer[listitem] = SetTimerEx("CalculateVote", 60000, 0, "i", listitem);
else if(PlayersOnPaint(listitem) < 2) SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "Pentru a incepe runda, mai este nevoie de inca un jucator.");
function CheckPaintball() {
foreach(Player, i) {
if(IsPlayerConnected(i) && IsPlayerLogged[i] == 1 && GetPlayerScore(i) != 0) {
if(PlayersOnPaint(0) < 2 && PaintTime[0] != -1) {
PaintTime[0] = -1;
if(PaintType[i] == 1) {
SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, "Runda a fost intrerupta deoarece ai ramas singur.");
PlayerTextDrawHide(i, PaintTD);
PKills[i] = 0, PDeaths[i] = 0;
for(new m = 0; m < 5; m++) SendDeathMessageToPlayer(i, 1001, 1001, 200);
if(PlayersOnPaint(1) < 2 && PaintTime[1] != -1) {
PaintTime[1] = -1;
if(PaintType[i] == 2) {
SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, "Runda a fost intrerupta deoarece ai ramas singur.");
PlayerTextDrawHide(i, PaintTD);
PKills[i] = 0, PDeaths[i] = 0;
for(new m = 0; m < 5; m++) SendDeathMessageToPlayer(i, 1001, 1001, 200);
if(PlayersOnPaint(2) < 2 && PaintTime[2] != -1) {
PaintTime[2] = -1;
if(PaintType[i] == 3) {
SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, "Runda a fost intrerupta deoarece ai ramas singur.");
PlayerTextDrawHide(i, PaintTD);
PKills[i] = 0, PDeaths[i] = 0;
for(new m = 0; m < 5; m++) SendDeathMessageToPlayer(i, 1001, 1001, 200);
return 1;
stock PaintRank(playerid, paintid) {
new kills = PlayerInfo[playerid][pPaintKills][paintid] - PlayerInfo[playerid][pPaintDeaths][paintid];
new rank[64];
if(kills < 0) rank = "Foarte rau";
if(kills >= 0 && kills < 25) rank = "Incepator";
if(kills >= 25 && kills < 100) rank = "Avansat";
if(kills >= 100) rank = "Profesionist";
return rank;
function GetPaintLevel(playerid) {
new level;
switch(PKills[playerid]-PDeaths[playerid]) {
case 0..2: level = 1;
case 3..5: level = 2;
case 6..8: level = 3;
case 9..11: level = 4;
case 12..14: level = 5;
case 15..17: level = 6;
case 18..20: level = 7;
case 21..24: level = 8;
return level;
function SendPaintMessage(paintid, color, text[]) {
foreach(Player, i) {
if(IsPlayerConnected(i) && PaintType[i] == paintid) {
SCM(i, color, text);
return 1;
function PlayersOnPaint(paintid) {
new x;
foreach(Player, i) {
switch(paintid) {
case 0: if(PaintType[i] == 1) x++; // classic
case 1: if(PaintType[i] == 2) x++; // armour
case 2: if(PaintType[i] == 3) x++; // gungame
return x;
function CalculateVote(paintid) {
PaintTime[paintid] = 0;
PaintTimer[paintid] = 0;
if(PlayersOnPaint(paintid) < 2) {
SendPaintMessage(paintid+1, COLOR_CLIENT, "Votarea a fost anulata deoarece este un singur player.");
return 1;
new string[180], map;
PaintVote[paintid] = 0;
if(MapVotes[paintid][0] >= MapVotes[paintid][1] && MapVotes[paintid][0] >= MapVotes[paintid][2] && MapVotes[paintid][0] >= MapVotes[paintid][3] && MapVotes[paintid][0] >= MapVotes[paintid][4] && MapVotes[paintid][0] >= MapVotes[paintid][5]) map = 0;
else if(MapVotes[paintid][1] >= MapVotes[paintid][0] && MapVotes[paintid][1] >= MapVotes[paintid][2] && MapVotes[paintid][1] >= MapVotes[paintid][3] && MapVotes[paintid][1] >= MapVotes[paintid][4] && MapVotes[paintid][1] >= MapVotes[paintid][5]) map = 1;
else if(MapVotes[paintid][2] >= MapVotes[paintid][0] && MapVotes[paintid][2] >= MapVotes[paintid][1] && MapVotes[paintid][2] >= MapVotes[paintid][3] && MapVotes[paintid][2] >= MapVotes[paintid][4] && MapVotes[paintid][2] >= MapVotes[paintid][5]) map = 2;
else if(MapVotes[paintid][3] >= MapVotes[paintid][0] && MapVotes[paintid][3] >= MapVotes[paintid][1] && MapVotes[paintid][3] >= MapVotes[paintid][2] && MapVotes[paintid][3] >= MapVotes[paintid][4] && MapVotes[paintid][3] >= MapVotes[paintid][5]) map = 3;
else if(MapVotes[paintid][4] >= MapVotes[paintid][0] && MapVotes[paintid][4] >= MapVotes[paintid][1] && MapVotes[paintid][4] >= MapVotes[paintid][2] && MapVotes[paintid][4] >= MapVotes[paintid][3] && MapVotes[paintid][4] >= MapVotes[paintid][5]) map = 4;
else if(MapVotes[paintid][5] >= MapVotes[paintid][0] && MapVotes[paintid][5] >= MapVotes[paintid][1] && MapVotes[paintid][5] >= MapVotes[paintid][2] && MapVotes[paintid][5] >= MapVotes[paintid][3] && MapVotes[paintid][5] >= MapVotes[paintid][4]) map = 5;
format(string, sizeof(string), "Votarea s-a terminat. Mapa %s a castigat cu %d voturi.", MapName2(map), MapVotes[paintid][map]);
PaintMap[paintid] = map;
if(paintid == 2) PaintTime[paintid] = 600;
else PaintTime[paintid] = 300;
SendPaintMessage(paintid+1, COLOR_CLIENT, string);
MapVotes[paintid][0] = 0; MapVotes[paintid][1] = 0; MapVotes[paintid][2] = 0; MapVotes[paintid][3] = 0; MapVotes[paintid][4] = 0; MapVotes[paintid][5] = 0;
foreach(Player, i) {
if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) {
if(PaintType[i] == paintid+1) Voted[i] = 0, SpawnPlayer(i);
return 1;
stock MapName(paint) {
new string[180];
switch(PaintMap[paint]) {
case 0: string = "rc_arena";
case 1: string = "farm";
case 2: string = "island";
case 3: string = "desert";
case 4: string = "beach";
case 5: string = "forest";
return string;
stock MapName2(paint) {
new string[180];
switch(paint) {
case 0: string = "rc_arena";
case 1: string = "farm";
case 2: string = "island";
case 3: string = "desert";
case 4: string = "beach";
case 5: string = "forest";
return string;
// Paintball arena
if(painttime > 0) painttime--;
if(PaintText[0] != 0) {
PaintText[0] --;
if(PaintText[0] == 0) format(string, 256, "~w~Runda a inceput~n~Succes tuturor!");
else format(string, 256, "~w~Runda incepe in ~n~~b~%d secunde", PaintText[0]);
GameTextForPaint(string, 0);
if(PaintText[1] != 0) {
PaintText[1] --;
if(PaintText[1] == 0) format(string, 256, "~w~Runda a inceput~n~Succes tuturor!");
else format(string, 256, "~w~Runda incepe in ~n~~b~%d secunde", PaintText[1]);
GameTextForPaint(string, 1);
if(PaintText[2] != 0) {
PaintText[2] --;
if(PaintText[2] == 0) format(string, 256, "~w~Runda a inceput~n~Succes tuturor!");
else format(string, 256, "~w~Runda incepe in ~n~~b~%d secunde", PaintText[2]);
GameTextForPaint(string, 2);
if(PlayersOnPaint(0) >= 2 && PaintTime[0] > 0) {
PaintTime[0] --;
if(PaintTime[0] == 0) {
SendPaintMessage(1, COLOR_YELLOW, "Runda va incepe peste un minut. Pentru a vota o mapa, folositi comanda /votemap.");
PaintVote[0] = 1;
if(PaintTimer[0] != 0) KillTimer(PaintTimer[0]), PaintTimer[0] = 0;
PaintTimer[0] = SetTimerEx("CalculateVote", 60000, 0, "i", 0);
if(PlayersOnPaint(1) >= 2 && PaintTime[1] > 0) {
PaintTime[1] --;
if(PaintTime[1] == 0) {
SendPaintMessage(1+1, COLOR_YELLOW, "Runda va incepe peste un minut. Pentru a vota o mapa, folositi comanda /votemap.");
PaintVote[1] = 1;
if(PaintTimer[1] != 0) KillTimer(PaintTimer[1]), PaintTimer[1] = 0;
PaintTimer[1] = SetTimerEx("CalculateVote", 60000, 0, "i", 1);
if(PlayersOnPaint(2) >= 2 && PaintTime[2] > 0) {
PaintTime[2] --;
if(PaintTime[2] == 0) {
SendPaintMessage(2+1, COLOR_YELLOW, "Runda va incepe peste un minut. Pentru a vota o mapa, folositi comanda /votemap.");
PaintVote[2] = 1;
if(PaintTimer[2] != 0) KillTimer(PaintTimer[2]), PaintTimer[2] = 0;
PaintTimer[2] = SetTimerEx("CalculateVote", 60000, 0, "i", 2);
if(PaintType[i] != 0 && PlayersOnPaint(PaintType[i]-1) >= 2) { // modificat aici in loc de 1 e 2
new pp = PaintType[i]-1;
if(pp < 2) {
format(string, sizeof(string), "Paintball time: %s~n~Current map: %s~n~Stats: %d kills, %d deaths.~n~Total score: %d~n~Best player: %s (kills: %d)~n~%d players in paintball.",
CalculeazaTimp2(PaintTime[pp]), MapName2(pp), PKills[i], PDeaths[i], PKills[i]-PDeaths[i], GetName(PaintballWinner[pp]), PKills[PaintballWinner[pp]], PlayersOnPaint(pp));
else {
new masadenume[32];
GetWeaponNameEx(GetPlayerWeapon(i), masadenume, sizeof(masadenume));
format(string, sizeof(string), "Paintball time: %s~n~Current map: %s~n~Stats: %d kills, %d deaths.~n~Total score: %d~n~Level %d, Weapon: %s~n~Best player: %s (kills: %d)~n~%d players in paintball.",
CalculeazaTimp2(PaintTime[pp]), MapName2(pp), PKills[i], PDeaths[i], PKills[i]-PDeaths[i], GetPaintLevel(i), masadenume, GetName(PaintballWinner[pp]), PKills[PaintballWinner[pp]], PlayersOnPaint(pp));
if(PaintTime[pp] == 0 && PaintballWinner[pp] != -1) {
for(new m = 0; m < 5; m++) SendDeathMessageToPlayer(i, 1001, 1001, 200);
format(string, sizeof(string), "Statistica ta in aceasta runda: %d ucideri si %d decese.", PKills[i], PDeaths[i]);
SCM(i, COLOR_YELLOW, string);
format(swinner, 256, "* %s a castigat runda cu %d ucideri.", GetName(PaintballWinner[pp]), PKills[PaintballWinner[pp]]);
PaintTime[pp] = 300;
PKills[i] = 0, PDeaths[i] = 0;
PKills[PaintballWinner[pp]] = 0; PDeaths[PaintballWinner[pp]] = 0;
PaintballWinner[pp] = i;
PaintballWinnerScore[pp] = 0;
SendPaintMessage(PaintType[i], COLOR_YELLOW, swinner);
PaintballWinner[pp] = -1;
if(PaintTime[pp] != 0 && PaintText[pp] == 0) {
PlayerTextDrawSetString(i, PaintTD, string);
PlayerTextDrawShow(i, PaintTD);
else {
PlayerTextDrawHide(i, PaintTD);
else PlayerTextDrawHide(i, PaintTD);
for(new i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if(PaintTime[i] == 0) {
PaintTime[i] = -1; PaintText[i] = 20;
PlayerInfo[playerid][pPaintKills][0] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "PaintKills1");
PlayerInfo[playerid][pPaintKills][1] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "PaintKills2");
PlayerInfo[playerid][pPaintKills][2] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "PaintKills3");
PlayerInfo[playerid][pPaintDeaths][2] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "PaintDeaths1");
PlayerInfo[playerid][pPaintDeaths][2] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "PaintDeaths2");
PlayerInfo[playerid][pPaintDeaths][2] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "PaintDeaths3");
Re: Paintball bug -
Cordyandrey - 21.03.2019
Re: Paintball bug -
antixgaming - 22.03.2019
Can you separate the code which says what will happen after player hits someone and your goal objective?