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Wrong date - Printable Version

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Wrong date - Lixyde - 03.03.2019

I made in my server so when you register on it writes the date of joining: Year, Month, Day.

But the place for them is wrong like:

When you register should be, ( Day: 3, Month: 3, Year: 2019)
but when i registr on my server it says (Day: 2019, Month: 3, Year: 3)
Where is the problem?

Here is the code:

new string[500];
				new pName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
				new day, month, year;
				getdate(day, month, year);
				GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, sizeof(pName));
				format(string, sizeof(string), "Wardog: {FFFFFF}You registered account: {FF9600}<Name: %s> <Pass: %s> [Day: %d, Month: %d, Year: %d]", pName, inputtext, day, month, year);
				SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF7800, string);

Re: Wrong date - AdamsLT - 03.03.2019

It's because you mixed up your getdate() function.

It should be:
getdate(year, month, day);