When i'm at the 'Vehicule de lux' (Expensive vehicles) dialog,i have a bug,when i click on a vehicle i give the wrong vehicle at the informations dialog.
if(dialogid == DIALOG_CARBUY5)
new num = BuyCar[playerid];
if(GetPlayerCash(playerid) >= Stock[num][vPrice])
if(Stock[num][vStock] > 0)
new stringg[MAX_STRING];
format(stringg,sizeof(stringg),"Aceasta masina numai este disponibila in Dealership. Stoc epuizat.\nYou can't buy this vehicle from the dealership. Out of stock.");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_NOSTOCK, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Stoc epuizat", stringg, "Inchide","");
else return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Nu ai destui bani.");
BuyCar[playerid] = -1;
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_CARBUY, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Cumpara un vehicul", "Vehicule ieftine\nVehicule normale\nVehicule de lux\nVehicule premium", "Alege", "Anuleaza");
if(dialogid == DIALOG_CARBUY2)
new num = listitem + 1;
BuyCar[playerid] = num;
new string33[500], stringtitle[500];
format(stringtitle, sizeof(stringtitle), "%s (%s de lei) - Stoc: %d", Stock[num][vName], FormatNumber(Stock[num][vPrice]), Stock[num][vStock]);
format(string33, sizeof(string33), "Nume: %s\nPret: %s\nStoc: %d\nViteza maxima: %s km/h", Stock[num][vName], FormatNumber(Stock[num][vPrice]), Stock[num][vStock], FormatNumber(Stock[num][vSpeed]));
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_CARBUY5, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, stringtitle, string33, "Cumpara", "Inapoi");
return 1;
if(dialogid == DIALOG_CARBUY3)
new cheapcars;
for(new xf = 0; xf < MAX_PERSONAL_CARS; xf++)
if(Stock[xf][vPrice] > 0 && Stock[xf][vPrice] <= 15000)
cheapcars = xf;
new num = listitem + cheapcars + 1;
BuyCar[playerid] = num;
new string33[256], stringtitle[256];
format(stringtitle, sizeof(stringtitle), "%s (%s de lei) - Stoc: %d", Stock[num][vName], FormatNumber(Stock[num][vPrice]), Stock[num][vStock]);
format(string33, sizeof(string33), "Nume: %s\nPret: %s\nStoc: %d\nViteza maxima: %s km/h", Stock[num][vName], FormatNumber(Stock[num][vPrice]), Stock[num][vStock], FormatNumber(Stock[num][vSpeed]));
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_CARBUY5, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, stringtitle, string33, "Cumpara", "Inapoi");
return 1;
if(dialogid == DIALOG_CARBUY4)
new regcheapcars;
for(new xf = 0; xf < MAX_PERSONAL_CARS; xf++)
if(Stock[xf][vPrice] >= 6001 && Stock[xf][vPrice] <= 350000)
regcheapcars = xf;
new num = listitem + regcheapcars + 1;
BuyCar[playerid] = num;
new string33[256], stringtitle[256];
format(stringtitle, sizeof(stringtitle), "%s (%s de lei) - Stoc: %d", Stock[num][vName], FormatNumber(Stock[num][vPrice]), Stock[num][vStock]);
format(string33, sizeof(string33), "Nume: %s\nPret: %s\nStoc: %d\nViteza maxima: %s km/h", Stock[num][vName], FormatNumber(Stock[num][vPrice]), Stock[num][vStock], FormatNumber(Stock[num][vSpeed]));
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_CARBUY5, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, stringtitle, string33, "Cumpara", "Inapoi");
return 1;
if(dialogid == DIALOG_CARBUY)
if(listitem == 0)
new stringzz[5000],stringy[5000];
for(new xf = 0; xf < MAX_PERSONAL_CARS; xf++)
if(Stock[xf][vPrice] > 0 && Stock[xf][vPrice] <= 15000)
format(stringy, sizeof(stringy), "%s (%s de lei) - %d in stoc\n", Stock[xf][vName], FormatNumber(Stock[xf][vPrice]), Stock[xf][vStock]);
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_CARBUY2, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Vehicule", stringzz, "Alege", "Anuleaza");
if(listitem == 1)
new stringzz[MAX_STRING],stringy[MAX_STRING];
for(new xf = 0; xf < MAX_PERSONAL_CARS; xf++)
if(Stock[xf][vPrice] > 15000 && Stock[xf][vPrice] <= 60000)
format(stringy, sizeof(stringy), "%s (%s de lei) - %d in stoc\n", Stock[xf][vName], FormatNumber(Stock[xf][vPrice]), Stock[xf][vStock]);
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_CARBUY3, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Vehicule", stringzz, "Alege", "Anuleaza");
if(listitem == 2)
new stringzz[MAX_STRING],stringy[MAX_STRING];
for(new xf = 0; xf < MAX_PERSONAL_CARS; xf++)
if(Stock[xf][vPrice] >= 6001 && Stock[xf][vPrice] < 350000)
format(stringy, sizeof(stringy), "%s (%s de lei) - %d in stoc\n", Stock[xf][vName], FormatNumber(Stock[xf][vPrice]), Stock[xf][vStock]);
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_CARBUY4, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Vehicule", stringzz, "Alege", "Anuleaza");
if(listitem == 3)
new string2[MAX_STRING];
format(string2,sizeof(string2),"Sparrow - 220 de puncte premium\nHotring Racer B - 250 de puncte premium\nHotring Racer A - 250 de puncte premium\nVortex - 250 de puncte premium\nHotring Racer - 250 de puncte premium\nMaverick - 300 de puncte premium");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_CARBUY8, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Vehicule", string2, "Alege", "Anuleaza");
return 1;
if(dialogid == DIALOG_CARBUY8)
new num = listitem + 98;
BuyCar[playerid] = num;
new string33[256], stringtitle[256];
format(stringtitle, sizeof(stringtitle), "%s (%s de lei) - Stoc: %d", Stock[num][vName], FormatNumber(Stock[num][vPrice]), Stock[num][vStock]);
format(string33, sizeof(string33), "Nume: %s\nPret: %s\nStoc: %d\nViteza maxima: %s km/h", Stock[num][vName], FormatNumber(Stock[num][vPrice]), Stock[num][vStock], FormatNumber(Stock[num][vSpeed]));
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_CARBUY9, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, stringtitle, string33, "Buy car", "Back");
return 1;
if(dialogid == DIALOG_CARBUY9)
new num = BuyCar[playerid],price;
if(num == 98) price = 220;
if(num == 99) price = 250;
if(num == 100) price = 250;
if(num == 101) price = 250;
if(num == 102) price = 250;
if(num == 103) price = 300;
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pPremiumPoints] >= price)
if(Stock[num][vStock] > 0)
new stringg[MAX_STRING];
format(stringg,sizeof(stringg),"Aceasta masina numai este disponibila in Dealership. Stoc epuizat.\nYou can't buy this vehicle from the dealership. Out of stock.");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_NOSTOCK, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Out of stock", stringg, "Close","");
else return SS(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Nu ai suficiente puncte premium. Detalii despre punctele premium pe http://Pear.1to.us", "You don't have enough premium points. Details about premium points here http://pear.1to.us/premium");
BuyCar[playerid] = -1;
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_CARBUY, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Cumpara un vehicul", "Vehicule ieftine\nVehicule normale\nVehicule de lux\nVehicule premium", "Alege", "Anuleaza");