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Flamethrower is bugged by default? - Printable Version

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Flamethrower is bugged by default? - masuzaron - 28.02.2019

GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, WEAPON_FLAMETHROWSER, 100)
But in-game when I select flamethrowser I have 10 ammo
In the other case, when I use GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, WEAPON_FLAMETHROWSER, 1000)
In-game I have 100 ammo, what's the problem?
I don't have any anti-cheat scripts, plugins etc this is just a basic command that gives weapon to player.

Re: Flamethrower is bugged by default? - NaS - 28.02.2019

Thats the default behaviour. Not sure why it does that but the ammo count always shows 1/10th of the magazine capacity
GetPlayerAmmo etc should return normal values though.

Re: Flamethrower is bugged by default? - masuzaron - 28.02.2019

@NaS thank you for your answer