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Whats the difference between strcpy and format - Printable Version

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Whats the difference between strcpy and format - NoteND - 27.02.2019


I'm just wondering whats the difference between these two for copying string into another string.

PHP код:
enum PlayerData
PHP код:
stock strcpy(dest[], const source[], maxlength=sizeof dest)
strcat((dest[0] = EOSdest), sourcemaxlength);
strcpy(pInfo[playerid][pTag], "Something"sizeof(pInfo[playerid][pTag])); 
or using..

PHP код:
format(pInfo[playerid][pTag], sizeof(pInfo[playerid][pTag], "Something"); 
Which is better and why ?

Re: Whats the difference between strcpy and format - RoboN1X - 27.02.2019

The way you use sizeof(pInfo[playerid][pTag]) seems wrong, i doubt it will even compile, you'd need to put a #define MAX_TAG_LEN 32 in place of pTag size and use it as well in functions that need the pTag size.
#define MAX_TAG_LEN 32
enum PlayerData

strcpy(pInfo[playerid][pTag], "Something", MAX_TAG_LEN);
I would never use format() without need to change the "format" in the string itself (i.e. not using the arguments in place of %)

You can read the "Copying string" section on

Re: Whats the difference between strcpy and format - NoteND - 27.02.2019

Originally Posted by RoboN1X
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The way you use sizeof(pInfo[playerid][pTag]) seems wrong, i doubt it will even compile, you'd need to put a #define MAX_TAG_LEN 32 in place of pTag size and use it as well in functions that need the pTag size.
#define MAX_TAG_LEN 32
enum PlayerData

strcpy(pInfo[playerid][pTag], "Something", MAX_TAG_LEN);
I would never use format() without need to change the "format" in the string itself (i.e. not using the arguments in place of %)

You can read the "Copying string" section on
wtf reply xD