This server is sometimes UP and other times DOWN only for me - Printable Version
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This server is sometimes UP and other times DOWN only for me -
Zaynabistic - 25.02.2019
Hello everyone,
Here's the server I'm talking about :
HostName: (FR) - LEROLEPLAY.FR - Be All You Can't Be
Players: 0 / 0
Ping: 9999
As you can see it looks DOWN, but in reality it's not, it looks like I'm IP banned or something but that's not the case. Same for their server's forum, I can't access it.
This problem happens randomly, I don't know its origin, sometimes the server works fine and other times I can't even enter it.
When I use a VPN, I can go to their forum but not the server because they have an anti-VPN.
Thanks in advance for the help.
Re: This server is sometimes UP and other times DOWN only for me -
Variableā¢ - 25.02.2019
Contact their staff or play somewhere else.
Re: This server is sometimes UP and other times DOWN only for me -
DrakeyDeveloper - 26.02.2019
Seems to be a problem with their host or server, if you're not able to go into their server; you should atleast be able to access their forums. If you were IP-Banned from their forums, it would atleast show that on a page.
Maybe something to with your connection, either way, you need to contact one of their staff.