Low FPS in Mid Laptop -
Verc - 24.02.2019
I just got a laptop with those specs:
Intel Core i3-6006Li, 2.0GHz
4GB of RAM
NVIDIA GeForce 920MX
GTA:SA runs in a very low fps,I have even tried to low settings,the lag still occurs.
It runs The Sims 4,NASCAR,Warband smoothly.
I have tried to turning off fps limiter,memfix. There's no any difference when I use them.
Any ideas?
edit: I also have used 60 FPS mod. No difference.
The mod I used is silentpatch's fix,LimitAdjuster. I don't think those mods cause the lags.
EDIT: Solved it,It's because I haven't installed directplay
Re: Low FPS in Mid Laptop -
Kasis - 24.02.2019
you probably need to adjust settings in nvidia settings for the game. oor turn that shit xbox game thing off, i have seen people suggesting that.
Re: Low FPS in Mid Laptop -
Verc - 24.02.2019
What settings do I need to adjust? The only thing I discovered is to turn on the Vertical Sync, it worked but the lag still occurs but not quite a lot like before.
What do you mean by 'xbox game thing' ?
Re: Low FPS in Mid Laptop -
polygxn - 24.02.2019
To be honest when I had my old video card and other parts this (/watch?v=QR1kmd9kYVY) video helped me a lot. Disabling all the telemetry stuff and others just make the whole computer snappier I felt like. Just give it a try if nothing else...
Re: Low FPS in Mid Laptop -
Team_PRO - 26.02.2019
Try to use silent patch
Re: Low FPS in Mid Laptop -
Verc - 02.03.2019
I used silentpatch since the beginning.
Re: Low FPS in Mid Laptop -
m3shys - 02.03.2019
LimitAdjuster mod could be causing the lag
Re: Low FPS in Mid Laptop -
Private200 - 02.03.2019
LimitAdjuster causes lag sometimes. If you are running on Dual GPU (which you most likely are), then set the Nvidia GPU as default for GTA Sa.
Re: Low FPS in Mid Laptop -
Gammix - 03.03.2019
Turn off Xbox gamedvr and goto properties of gta sa exe file and check "disable windows optimization".
Re: Low FPS in Mid Laptop -
v1k1nG - 03.03.2019
Sometimes I had crashes.asi fixing such problems on my other PC
Re: Low FPS in Mid Laptop -
Verc - 05.03.2019
I deleted SilentPatch and LimitAdjuster,the game wanted me to install DirectPlay and I installed it. Now it runs smoothly..
Re: Low FPS in Mid Laptop -
userid - 05.03.2019
In a laptop the games are locked at 30 FPS, to to increase you have to connect the charger (at least it is like that in mine)