drunk level problem - Printable Version
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drunk level problem -
PoniStar - 22.02.2019
hi how can i set player drunk without hiding his hude and radar!? you know setplayerdrunklevel will hide them and i saw that somewhere without hiding them can i help me ?
Re: drunk level problem -
TheToretto - 22.02.2019
You can't modify player's hud (show/hide/edit)
Re: drunk level problem -
PoniStar - 22.02.2019
dude i seen this some where else , maybe it wasnt drunk mode , but the screen was move can you show me some codes related to this ? shake the screen for how many seconds i want
Re: drunk level problem -
NaS - 22.02.2019
The HUD disappears at a certain level (5000 I think), so if you set it to something between 2000 and 5000, a weaker drunk effect will be there and the HUD won't disappear.
Not exactly sure on the 5000, but you can find out easily.
Re: drunk level problem -
PoniStar - 22.02.2019
thnx ! problem solved