\n problem. Dynamic Updates - Printable Version
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\n problem. Dynamic Updates -
Score - 20.02.2019
Hello, so I have made a new "dynamic update system", which means I can add and or edit updates while being in-game. But, there is an "issue" I would call it.
It looks like this:
But I want it to look like this, you know have a \n where the white lines are. Only want to split the line for each status.
Here's how I want it to look:
I want to split the text at the white lines, here's the code I currently have:
pawn Код:
forward OnPlayerViewUpdates(playerid);
public OnPlayerViewUpdates(playerid)
new string[300];
format(string, sizeof(string), "{FFFFFF}Server Last Updates:\n\n");
for(new i = 0; i < cache_num_rows(); i ++)
new text[128], addedby[24], status, prevStatus = 0;
cache_get_value_name(i, "AddedBy", addedby);
cache_get_value_name(i, "Text", text);
cache_get_value_name_int(i, "Status", status);
case 1:
format(string, sizeof(string), "%s{AFAFAF}{1766AA}added{AFAFAF}\t\t%s\t [%s]\n", string, text, addedby);
if(prevStatus != status)
strcat(string, "\n");
prevStatus = status;
case 2:
format(string, sizeof(string), "%s{AFAFAF}{4D4747}fixed{AFAFAF}\t\t%s\t [%s]\n", string, text, addedby);
if(prevStatus != status)
strcat(string, "\n");
prevStatus = status;
case 3:
format(string, sizeof(string), "%s{AFAFAF}{E42626}removed{AFAFAF}\t\t%s\t [%s]\n", string, text, addedby);
if(prevStatus != status)
strcat(string, "\n");
prevStatus = status;
Dialog_Show(playerid, DIALOG_UPADDED, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Latest Updates", string, "OK", "");
Re: \n problem. Dynamic Updates -
Nero_3D - 21.02.2019
You are recreating the prevStatus variable inside the loop, therefore it is always 0, create it outside / before the loop
Additionally you can move your "if(prevStatus != status)" statement after the switch because it is the same code in all cases