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Error update plugins MYSQL - Printable Version

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Error update plugins MYSQL - Kalciker - 17.02.2019

Hello good community of SA-MP I need help change mysql plugin from R-33 to R39-5 and throws me the following errors in the lines

Line 1973
forward OnJailAccount(index);
public OnJailAccount(index)
	new string[128], name[24];

	cache_get_data(rows, fields, g_iHandle);
	GetPVarString(index, "OnJailAccount", name, 24);
	//GetPVarString(index, "OnJailAccountReason", reason, 64);

	if(mysql_affected_rows(g_iHandle)) // ERROR
		format(string, sizeof(string), "Has encarcelado la cuenta de %s .", name);
		SendClientMessageEx(index, COLOR_WHITE, string);

	else {
		format(string, sizeof(string), "Hubo un problema al encarcelar a la cuenta de %s .", name);
		SendClientMessageEx(index, COLOR_WHITE, string);

	DeletePVar(index, "OnJailAccount");

	return 1;
line 13307
forward OnQueryExecute(playerid, query[]);
public OnQueryExecute(playerid, query[])

	cache_get_data(rows, fields, g_iHandle);

	if (strfind(query, "SELECT", true) != -1)
		Dialog_Show(playerid, ExecuteQuery, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Execute Query", "Success: MySQL returned %d rows from your query.\n\nPlease specify the MySQL query to execute below:", "Execute", "Back", rows);

		Dialog_Show(playerid, ExecuteQuery, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Execute Query", "Success: Query executed successfully (affected rows: %d).\n\nPlease specify the MySQL query to execute below:", "Execute", "Back", mysql_affected_rows()); //ERROR

	PlayerData[playerid][pExecute] = 0;
	return 1;
C:\Users\Equipo\Downloads\03zcproyectov3-0\SCRP\gamemodes\roleplays.pwn(1973) : error 017: undefined symbol "mysql_affected_rows"
C:\Users\Equipo\Downloads\03zcproyectov3-0\SCRP\gamemodes\roleplays.pwn(13307) : error 017: undefined symbol "mysql_affected_rows"

Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

2 Errors.

Re: Error update pluging MYSQL - Kalciker - 17.02.2019

help me

Re: Error update plugins MYSQL - d3Pedro - 17.02.2019

Change that with cache_affected_rows

Re: Error update plugins MYSQL - Kalciker - 17.02.2019

solved thank