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Another Problem - Printable Version

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Another Problem - SeeNN - 15.02.2019

I have a problem with spawn in gang,when I use "/spawnme" don't spawn me in a gang,I will leave 2 photo.
The problem is not "/spawnme" because,even if I die,neither then don't spawn me at gang.

Re: Another Problem - PepsiCola23 - 15.02.2019

do you have a cmd like spawnchange?
also you need to set different spawns for different gang ids, so you`ll spawn where you want if you are in a gang.

Re: Another Problem - Thundey - 15.02.2019

Can you show us how the code is structured perhaps? We can't help based on how it is being executed without knowing how your code works.

Re: Another Problem - GTLS - 16.02.2019

Show the code. Cant help without code. Cuz this is your logical error in getting and setting coordinates.

Re: Another Problem - MSC - 16.02.2019

Well, from what i understand. You want to make custom spawn for each gang. So you should make sure to " SetSpawnInfo " for each gang so you should check which gang the player in before spawning him.