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Mapping advice needed - Printable Version

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Mapping advice needed - m4karow - 08.02.2019

Hey there

How I can fix theese prison cell textures without creating prison jail doors? (19302, 19303)

Re: Mapping advice needed - TokicMajstor - 08.02.2019

/csell choose that object then /mtextures find the cell texture and press ctrl (or alt).

If you're using texture studio

Re: Mapping advice needed - m4karow - 09.02.2019

Originally Posted by TokicMajstor
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/csell choose that object then /mtextures find the cell texture and press ctrl (or alt).

If you're using texture studio
but theese cell objects are same as the whole sfpd interior

Re: Mapping advice needed - ComDuck - 09.02.2019

You can add a rectangular object and change its texture to fit your needs. If the players can pass through the cell, then add a random object and change its texture to nothing so that an invisible barrier is created.

If the cell door is linked to the entire SFPD interior, then I don't think you can do any direct modifications to the cell door.

Re: Mapping advice needed - m4karow - 09.02.2019

fixed with objects 14856.