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Loadfs and unloadfs problem - Printable Version

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Loadfs and unloadfs problem - lea_VA - 21.02.2009


I have a big problem. When reloadfs/loadfs/unloadfs 3 times, then, the server says "loadfs failed".
This happens because the "unloadfs" don't discount the FS. for example, i have 1 FS in server.cfg file, and i reload the FS 15 times, the samp server at 16 time say "loadfs problem" becausse don't discount FSs, but count.

I made a example with a var in pawn.

new maxfs=16;
new currentfs;

public OnRconCommand(playerid,cmd[]){
return 1;

return 1;
return 0;
For pawn students, there is a example that samp-server is programmed , but the example is in pawn , the problem is that currentfs++ , but currentfs don't -- XD.

Warning:The example is just for you to understand my problem

UnloadFS rcon command have this problem. I can fix it ? ., please help.

Re: Loadfs and unloadfs problem - d0 - 21.02.2009

yes this is a samp bug

you can fix this when you use the ysf plugin from the plugin section

Re: Loadfs and unloadfs problem - lea_VA - 21.02.2009
