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Whats wrong with player target camera funcs?? - Printable Version

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Whats wrong with player target camera funcs?? - Mopok - 04.02.2019

Hello, i started use the EnablePlayerCameraTarget and few camera functions ( GetPlayerCameraTargetVehicle, GetPlayerCameraTargetPlayer, GetPlayerCameraTargetActor... and what i'am see:
player with 0 id show as 255 , with id 1 like 511 and with 3 like 767. With vehicle the same shit. Did someone faced with this problem?! Anyone know what i can do with it?

Re: Whats wrong with player target camera funcs?? - Mopok - 04.02.2019

Enyone know this error? Its bug or i doing something wrong?

Re: Whats wrong with player target camera funcs?? - Mopok - 04.02.2019

I decided it, my fail