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Array index out of bounds. - Printable Version

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Array index out of bounds. - Kortecs - 04.02.2019

Problem: When i log in my account after the server kick me.

[debug] Accessing element at index 270 past array upper bound 68
[debug] AMX backtrace:
[debug] #0 0017dd34 in public PassCheck (0) from aaa.amx

What wrong is in that public?

Re: Array index out of bounds. - Calisthenics - 04.02.2019

One of these:
format(szMessage, sizeof(szMessage), "(Group) MOTD: "EMBED_WHITE"%s", groupVariables[playerVariables[extraid][pGroup]][gGroupMOTD]);


It checks if group or clan is >= 1 only. Checking the upper bound will prevent the run time error:
pawn Код:
if(playerVariables[extraid][pGroup] >= 1 && playerVariables[extraid][pGroup] < sizeof (groupVariables))
// and
if(playerVariables[extraid][pClan] >= 1 && playerVariables[extraid][pClan] < sizeof (clanVariables))
but it might be logical error. What I mean is there are 68 groups or clans defined and the group or clan sql id is 270. Find the array index and use that, not the sql id.