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Skin tags - Printable Version

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Skin tags - SymonClash - 03.02.2019

Just discovered this include:

But i have some problems passing some functions.

I made a simple SendClientMessage to debug (Because i wanna create a textdraw later) and show some infos.

I placed the code on OnPlayerRequestClass and works, the functions i have the problem with are:


And all functions with "output[], outlen = sizeof(output))".

I don't know what to write, example:

"GetSkinName(classid, output[], outlen = sizeof(output))" What i have to write after classid? I tried passing only GetSkinName(classid) but got argument type mismatch. (Obviously).

In short, i have a problem passing variables on that functions.

Re: Skin tags - SymonClash - 03.02.2019

Yes but i'm trying to pass them on OnPlayerRequestClass which has only playerid and classid. I don't know, probably is something easy but i can't figure it.

Re: Skin tags - SymonClash - 04.02.2019

So GetSkinName(playerid, classid). Am i right?

Re: Skin tags - Hazon - 04.02.2019

Re: Skin tags - SymonClash - 04.02.2019

Originally Posted by Hazon
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Re: Skin tags - SymonClash - 04.02.2019

EDIT, resolved!