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0.3.8 about default radar. - Printable Version

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0.3.8 about default radar. - DyduShxD - 02.02.2019

Hello, i just want to adress to all of you a question.. Is there any posibility to disable the default radar map? I am using 0.3.8 whit another map and deafult radar is just useless.

Re: 0.3.8 about default radar. - Kaliber - 02.02.2019

I think that is not possible except in the spectate mode.

But you could overlay it with an TextDraw

Re: 0.3.8 about default radar. - SymonClash - 02.02.2019

Just like money bar and hud, you can't hide radar map. But you can hide it with a textdraw.

Re: 0.3.8 about default radar. - DyduShxD - 02.02.2019

Thank you, but i already knewd i can do that whit a textdraw, but i just wanted to let there a empty space i dont want even a texrdraw there.

Re: 0.3.8 about default radar. - lollypap54 - 02.02.2019

I think you could use gangzones, just put black color in a very big area