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Get data from an enum within another script file - Printable Version

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Get data from an enum within another script file - Nathan94 - 29.01.2019

Hello everyone, I was wondering whether it is possible to make a function which would fetch data from an enum. I want to do this so I can access the enum's data in another file that I have included like this:

// The main gamemode file
#include "scripts/anotherfile.pwn"
An example of what I want to achieve:

// The main gamemode file
enum Ply_Data
new Ply_Info[MAX_PLAYERS][Ply_Data];

FetchDataFromPly_Data(playerid, Ply_Data:data)
	return Ply_Info[playerid][Ply_Data:data];
and then in another file I do this:

// The included file
hook OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
	if(FetchDataFromPly_Data(playerid, Ply_Data:Ply_Level) > 0)
		// Maybe set his level to 3 with a SetDataToPly_Data function??
It is currently giving me an error in the included file that the symbol "Ply_Level" is undefined.

Would be glad if someone can help me solve this

Re: Get data from an enum within another script file - SytonicX - 29.01.2019

Try using
Ply_Info[MAX_PLAYERS][Ply_Data] //place the things inside the Ply_Data instead of the " Ply_Data "
If(FetchDataFromPly_Data(playerid, Ply_Data:Ply_Level) > 0)
      Ply_Info[playerid][Ply_Level] = 3;

Re: Get data from an enum within another script file - Nathan94 - 29.01.2019

Originally Posted by SytonicX
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Try using
Ply_Info[MAX_PLAYERS][Ply_Data] //place the things inside the Ply_Data instead of the " Ply_Data "
If(FetchDataFromPly_Data(playerid, Ply_Data:Ply_Level) > 0)
      Ply_Info[playerid][Ply_Level] = 3;
I don't understand what you mean by "place the things inside the Ply_Data instead of the " Ply_Data ".
Also I can't access "Ply_Info" in the other file. It is declared in the main file only. That's the point of creating such a function at first.