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TextDraw - Printable Version

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TextDraw - oghabanjb - 13.01.2019

Hi all. This is my code:
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    OghabServer = TextDrawCreate(580.0,42.0,"Oghab~n~Server");
    TextDrawAlignment(OghabServer, 2);
    TextDrawFont(OghabServer, 3);
    TextDrawSetOutline(OghabServer, 1);
    TextDrawLetterSize(OghabServer, 0.6 ,1.2);
    return 1;
public ChangeTDColor()
    return 1;
SetTimer does not work and colors do not change.

Re: TextDraw - L0K3D - 13.01.2019

"If the TextDraw is already shown, it must be re-shown (TextDrawShowForAll/TextDrawShowForPlayer) for the changes of this function to take effect" - from SA:MP Wiki.

Re: TextDraw - Jeffry - 13.01.2019

You have to create the Textdraw in OnGameModeInit, otherwise it will be created over and over again, each time a user connects to your server.
Also start the Timer in OnGameModeInit.

Within the public of the Timer use TextDrawColor and TextDrawShowForAll.

Re: TextDraw - oghabanjb - 13.01.2019

Originally Posted by L0K3D
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"If the TextDraw is already shown, it must be re-shown (TextDrawShowForAll/TextDrawShowForPlayer) for the changes of this function to take effect" - from SA:MP Wiki.
Oh thanks it's worked.