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Help please - Printable Version

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Help please - Emirto - 12.01.2019

i had a problem with my localhost server i had an error called run time error 19 :file or function is not found
Help me to fix it

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[19:05:07] Server Plugins
[19:05:07] --------------
[19:05:07] Loading plugin: sscanf
[19:05:07] Failed.
[19:05:07] Loading plugin: ITD
[19:05:07] Failed.
[19:05:07] Loading plugin: streamer.dll
[19:05:07] Failed.
[19:05:07] Loading plugin: filemanager
[19:05:07] ******************
[19:05:07] ** FILE MANAGER **
[19:05:07] ** Loaded **
[19:05:07] ** Version 1.5 **
[19:05:07] ******************
[19:05:07] Loaded.
[19:05:07] Loading plugin: crashdetect
[19:05:07] Failed.
[19:05:07] Loaded 1 plugins.

[19:05:07] Filterscripts
[19:05:07] ---------------
[19:05:07] Loading filterscript 'gl_actions.amx'...
[19:05:07] Loading filterscript 'gl_realtime.amx'...
[19:05:07] Loading filterscript 'gl_property.amx'...
[19:05:07] Grand Larceny Property Filterscript
[19:05:07] -----------------------------------

[19:05:07] Loading filterscript 'gl_mapicon.amx'...
[19:05:07] Loading filterscript 'attachments.amx'...
[19:05:07] Loading filterscript 'skinchanger.amx'...
--Admin Player Skin Changer Loaded

[19:05:07] Loading filterscript 'vspawner.amx'...
--Admin Vehicle Spawner Loaded

[19:05:07] Loading filterscript 'ls_mall.amx'...
[19:05:07] Loading filterscript 'ls_beachside.amx'...

[19:05:07] |---------------------------------------------------
[19:05:07] |--- LS BeachSide Filterscript
[19:05:07] |-- Script v1.03
[19:05:07] |-- 19th April 2015
[19:05:07] |---------------------------------------------------
[19:05:07] |-- LS BeachSide Building Elevator created
[19:05:07] |---------------------------------------------------
[19:05:07] Loading filterscript 'dsdebug.amx'...
[19:05:07] Unable to load filterscript 'dsdebug.amx'.
[19:05:07] Loading filterscript 'NTD.amx'...
[NTD PL]Edytor TextDrawow od Nickk888 v4.45 Beta zostal pomyslnie zinicjalizowany!

[19:05:07] [NTD ENG]The TextDraw editor from Nickk888 v4.45 Beta has been successfully initialized!

[19:05:07] Loading filterscript 'tstudio.amx'...
[19:05:07] Loading filterscript 'cameditor.amx'...
[19:05:07] CamEditor by Drebin
[19:05:07] --------------------------------------

[19:05:07] Loaded 12 filterscripts.

[19:05:07] Reading File: blank
[19:05:07] Reading File: properties/houses.txt
[19:05:07] Reading File: properties/businesses.txt
[19:05:07] Reading File: properties/banks.txt
[19:05:07] Reading File: properties/police.txt
[19:05:07] Script[gamemodes/VRL.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[19:05:07] Number of vehicle models: 0

Re: Help please - ProfessorX - 13.01.2019

Download crashdetect and put it in your plugins folder, it will run now.

Re: Help please - d3Pedro - 13.01.2019

Your problem is this
[19:05:07] Loading plugin: sscanf
[19:05:07] Failed.
[19:05:07] Loading plugin: ITD
[19:05:07] Failed.
[19:05:07] Loading plugin: streamer.dll
[19:05:07] Failed.
Make sure you've got this plugins to the plugins folder on your server files. If you do then try re-downloading them, make sure you download an updated version (maybe these are outdated).

Re: Help please - xRadical3 - 13.01.2019

Check your file plugins and CrashDetect must be loaded before any plugins!