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Symbol never used "qInfo" - Printable Version

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Symbol never used "qInfo" - DarkMythHunter - 24.12.2018

PHP код:
       foreach(new Player)
pInfo[i][pAdminLevel] >= && != playerid)
SendClientMessage(i, -1_message);
this is the error:

(931) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "qInfo"
Line 931 is:

PHP код:
if(pInfo[i][pAdminLevel] >= && != playerid
But I don't see "qInfo" there, so how am I supposed to fix that?

Re: Symbol never used "qInfo" - DarkMythHunter - 24.12.2018

PHP код:
These are lines 915-943.

Re: Symbol never used "qInfo" - RogueDrifter - 24.12.2018

Uhh right, do ctrl+f and search for qinfo