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sscanf "u" and "s[126]" specifier bug - Printable Version

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sscanf "u" and "s[126]" specifier bug - xRadical3 - 24.12.2018

Hi guys,
I when use command that has "u" or "s[126]" not show the how to usage the command
pawn Code:
CMD:w(playerid, params[])
    new string[256],pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
    if(sscanf(params,"s[356]",params)) return Usage(playerid,"w <matn> - Baray Chat Dargooshi");
    format(string,sizeof(string),""white"[DarGooshi]%s: %s",pname,params);
    SendNearMessage( playerid, 0xFFFFFFF, string, 12.1);

    format(sb_string, sizeof(sb_string),"{FF9000}[DarGooshi] {FFFFFF}%s", params);
    SetPlayerChatBubble(playerid, sb_string, 0xFFFFFFFF, 16.0,4000);
    return 1;
I typed /w not show the Usage(playerid,"w <matn> - Baray Chat Dargooshi");
But send the pm: [DarGooshi]PlayerName: /1
Most of my commands when use send the /1 .

I tested all sscanf versions but not solved.
And I'm likely that there is no problem in my codes but in sscanf bug..

sorry for my bad english..

Re: sscanf "u" and "s[126]" specifier bug - Calisthenics - 24.12.2018

You do not need sscanf for a text only parameter.
pawn Code:
if (isnull(params)) return Usage(playerid,"w <matn> - Baray Chat Dargooshi");
Client message can be up to 144 characters + \0

If params is empty, \1 is passed in CallLocalFunction to avoid server crash. Is the include modified? Try re-download it.

Re: sscanf "u" and "s[126]" specifier bug - xRadical3 - 24.12.2018

I've tried isnull but this also send /1

Re: sscanf "u" and "s[126]" specifier bug - SapMan - 24.12.2018

Try using "if (isnull (params)) return Usage (playerid," w <matn> - Bago Chat Dargooshi ");" first

PHP Code:
isnull(params)) return Usage(playerid"w <matn> - Bago Chat Dargooshi ");
string[256], pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
GetPlayerName(playerid ,pnamesizeof(pname));
format(string,sizeof(string), ""white"[DarGooshi]%s: %s"pnameparams);
format(sb_stringsizeof(sb_string),"{FF9000}[DarGooshi] {FFFFFF}%s"params);

By the way, as defined "Usage"?

Re: sscanf "u" and "s[126]" specifier bug - xRadical3 - 25.12.2018

If player logged in again send [DarGooshi]PlayerName: /1
Or player not loggedin send "you not logged in." And not show Usage..

Re: sscanf "u" and "s[126]" specifier bug - aKnoxx - 25.12.2018

Might be something in one of your filterscripts? Maybe? Im super new to scripting but I had a similar issue with my script yesterday. I would type almost any cmd and it would give me an error message from a different filterscript regardless of if the cmd worked or not.

I disabled the filterscript through the server.cfg and I stopped getting that error message. As for why its not showing your usage cmd I have no idea. But try this maybe?
PHP Code:
if(sscanf(params"us[356]"pnamestring)) return Usage(playerid,"w <matn> - Baray Chat Dargooshi"); 

Re: sscanf "u" and "s[126]" specifier bug - xRadical3 - 25.12.2018

Originally Posted by aKnoxx
View Post
Might be something in one of your filterscripts? Maybe? Im super new to scripting but I had a similar issue with my script yesterday. I would type almost any cmd and it would give me an error message from a different filterscript regardless of if the cmd worked or not.

I disabled the filterscript through the server.cfg and I stopped getting that error message. As for why its not showing your usage cmd I have no idea. But try this maybe?
PHP Code:
if(sscanf(params"us[356]"pnamestring)) return Usage(playerid,"w <matn> - Baray Chat Dargooshi"); 
This cmd no need "u" because just send pm to near players..

--No anyone can helps me?

Re: sscanf "u" and "s[126]" specifier bug - aKnoxx - 26.12.2018

Try this:

PHP Code:
sscanf(params,"s[356]",matn)) return Usage(playerid,"w <matn> - Baray Chat Dargooshi");
format(string,sizeof(string),""white"[DarGooshi]%s: %s",pname,matn);
format(sb_stringsizeof(sb_string),"{FF9000}[DarGooshi] {FFFFFF}%s"matn);

Works for me...

If that doesn't work try using SendClientMessage instead of Usage(playerid,...);

PHP Code:
if(sscanf(params,"s[356]",matn)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1"w <matn> - Baray Chat Dargooshi");