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report - SeeNN - 14.12.2018

When I solved a report,the reason don't show:

CMD:res(playerid, params[])
	new Player; eString[0] = EOS; new LittleCount[10]; new Reason[1500];
	if(CosminInfo[playerid][Level] < 3) return SendError2(playerid, "{FFFFFF}You must to be Admin Level 3 to use that command", "{FFFFFF}Trebuie sa fi Admin Level 3 pentru a folosi comanda respectiva");
	if(sscanf(params, "uS[50]", Player, ReportStr)) return SendUsage(playerid, "/Res [ID]");
	if(Player == INVALID_PLAYER_ID) return SendError2(playerid, "{FFFFFF}Player is not connected", "{FFFFFF}Jucatorul nu este conectat");
	if(CosminInfo[Player][ReportedBy] == -1) return SendError2(playerid, "{FFFFFF}This player has not been reported by anyone", "{FFFFFF}Acest jucator n-a fost raportat de nimeni");
	foreach(new i: Player) if(CosminInfo[i][ReportedBy] != -1 && i != Player) format(eString, sizeof(eString), "\n#{FFFFFF}%d {FF8000}%s {FFFFFF}reported {FF0000}%s {FFFFFF}: %s", ReportStr, i, PlayerName(CosminInfo[i][ReportedBy]), PlayerName(i), 1);
	new Str[2500];
	format(Str, sizeof(Str), "{BBFF00}[ADMIN]: {00BBF6}%s {BBFF00}has been resolved your report against {00BBF6}%s {BBFF00}with {00BBF6}(Reason: %s)!", PlayerName(playerid), PlayerName(Player), Player, Reason);
    SendClientMessage(CosminInfo[Player][ReportedBy], -1, Str);
	ServerInfo[ServerReports]--; CosminInfo[Player][ReportedBy] = -1; format(ReportStr, sizeof(ReportStr), "%s", eString);
	format(LittleCount, 10, "%i", ServerInfo[ServerReports]);
	format(LittleCount, 10, "%i", ServerInfo[ServerReports]); TextDrawSetString(ReportInfo[1], LittleCount);
	foreach(new l: Player) if(CosminInfo[l][Level] >= 3)
	    if(ServerInfo[ServerReports] == 0)      TextDrawHideForPlayer(l, ReportInfo[0]), TextDrawHideForPlayer(l, ReportInfo[1]);
	    else                                    TextDrawShowForPlayer(l, ReportInfo[0]), TextDrawShowForPlayer(l, ReportInfo[1]);
	format(eString, sizeof(eString), "{6699FF}[ADMIN]: {FF0000}%s {6699FF}has solved report id {FF0000}#%d", PlayerName(playerid), Player); MessageToAdmins(COLOR_YELLOW, eString);
 	return 1;

Re: report - Threshold - 15.12.2018

You have too many parameters for the amount of specifiers you're using...

I suggest you learn how 'format' and 'loops' work before you attempt to use them.