mysql_tquery(1, "SELECT * FROM `vehiculos`", "CargarVeh", "i", sizeof(object));
forward CargarVeh(limit);
public CargarVeh(limit)
new count, rows, data[50], team;
for(new i; i < rows; i++)
if(count > limit)
printf("Limite de vehнculos excedido!");
for(new h; h < sizeof(object); h++)
cache_get_value_name(i, "idTeam", data); object[h][idTeam] = strval(data);
cache_get_value_name(i, "modelo", data); object[h][modelo] = strval(data);
cache_get_value_name(i, "posx", data); object[h][posx] = floatstr(data);
cache_get_value_name(i, "posy", data); object[h][posy] = floatstr(data);
cache_get_value_name(i, "posz", data); object[h][posz] = floatstr(data);
cache_get_value_name(i, "posrot", data); object[h][posrot] = floatstr(data);
cache_get_value_name(i, "color1", data); object[h][color1] = strval(data);
cache_get_value_name(i, "color2", data); object[h][color2] = strval(data);
object[h][idTeam] = AddStaticVehicle(object[h][modelo], object[h][posx], object[h][posy], object[h][posz], object[h][posrot], object[h][color1], object[h][color2]);
printf("Vehiculo con idTeam %i, pos x: %i pos y: %i pos z: %i creado", object[h][idTeam], object[h][posx], object[h][posy], object[h][posz]);
printf("Vehiculos cargados: %d",count);
return 1;
printf("Vehiculo con idTeam %i, pos x: %i pos y: %i pos z: %i creado", object[h][idTeam], object[h][posx], object[h][posy], object[h][posz]);
Vehiculo con idTeam 1, pos x: 1153436936 pos y: -992915778 pos z: 1096163329 creado Vehiculo con idTeam 2, pos x: 1153397309 pos y: -992943300 pos z: 1096163329 creado Vehiculo con idTeam 3, pos x: 1153396525 pos y: -992796630 pos z: 1096163329 creado Vehiculo con idTeam 4, pos x: 1153387648 pos y: -992755057 pos z: 1096163329 creado Vehiculo con idTeam 5, pos x: 1153387648 pos y: -992755057 pos z: 1096163329 creado
idTeam modelo posx posy posz posrot color1 color2 1 522 1536.407227 -1674.460693 13.382813 0 1 1 1 522 1531.569946 -1671.101074 13.382813 0 1 1 2 522 1531.474243 -1689.005127 13.382813 0 1 1 2 522 1530.390625 -1694.079956 13.382813 0 1 1 2 522 1530.390625 -1694.079956 13.382813 0 1 1
forward CargarVeh(limit);
public CargarVeh(limit)
new h, rows, data[50], team;
for(new i = 0; i < rows; i++)
if(h >= limit)
print("Limite de vehнculos excedido!");
cache_get_value_name(i, "idTeam", data); object[h][idTeam] = strval(data);
cache_get_value_name(i, "modelo", data); object[h][modelo] = strval(data);
cache_get_value_name(i, "posx", data); object[h][posx] = floatstr(data);
cache_get_value_name(i, "posy", data); object[h][posy] = floatstr(data);
cache_get_value_name(i, "posz", data); object[h][posz] = floatstr(data);
cache_get_value_name(i, "posrot", data); object[h][posrot] = floatstr(data);
cache_get_value_name(i, "color1", data); object[h][color1] = strval(data);
cache_get_value_name(i, "color2", data); object[h][color2] = strval(data);
object[h][idTeam] = AddStaticVehicle(object[h][modelo], object[h][posx], object[h][posy], object[h][posz], object[h][posrot], object[h][color1], object[h][color2]);
printf("Vehiculo con idTeam %i, pos x: %i pos y: %i pos z: %i creado", object[h][idTeam], object[h][posx], object[h][posy], object[h][posz]);
printf("Vehiculos cargados: %d",h);
return 1;
pawn Код:
forward CargarVeh(limit);
public CargarVeh(limit)
new h, rows, data[50];
for(new i = 0; i < rows; i++)
if(h >= limit)
print("Limite de vehiculos excedido!");
cache_get_value_name(i, "idTeam", data); object[h][idTeam] = strval(data);
cache_get_value_name(i, "modelo", data); object[h][modelo] = strval(data);
cache_get_value_name(i, "posx", data); object[h][posx] = floatstr(data);
cache_get_value_name(i, "posy", data); object[h][posy] = floatstr(data);
cache_get_value_name(i, "posz", data); object[h][posz] = floatstr(data);
cache_get_value_name(i, "posrot", data); object[h][posrot] = floatstr(data);
cache_get_value_name(i, "color1", data); object[h][color1] = strval(data);
cache_get_value_name(i, "color2", data); object[h][color2] = strval(data);
object[h][idTeam] = AddStaticVehicle(object[h][modelo], object[h][posx], object[h][posy], object[h][posz], object[h][posrot], object[h][color1], object[h][color2]);
printf("Vehiculo con idTeam %i, pos x: %f pos y: %f pos z: %f creado", object[h][idTeam], object[h][posx], object[h][posy], object[h][posz]);
printf("Vehiculos cargados: %d",h);
return 1;
Vehiculo con idTeam 1, pos x: 1536.407226 pos y: -1674.460693 pos z: 13.382813 creado Vehiculo con idTeam 2, pos x: 1531.569946 pos y: -1671.101074 pos z: 13.382813 creado Vehiculo con idTeam 3, pos x: 1531.474243 pos y: -1689.005126 pos z: 13.382813 creado Vehiculos cargados: 3
SELECT * FROM `vehiculos` idTeam modelo posx posy posz posrot color1 color2 1 522 1536.407227 -1674.460693 13.382813 0 1 1 4 522 1531.569946 -1671.101074 13.382813 0 1 1 2 522 1531.474243 -1689.005127 13.382813 0 1 1
object[h][idTeam] = strval(data);
object[h][idTeam] = AddStaticVehicle(
pawn Код:
pawn Код:
cache_get_value_name(i, "idTeam", data); object[h][idTeam] = strval(data);
object[h][idTeam] = AddStaticVehicle(s
Why do you load everything as a string? 2. You assign a value to the varibale: Код:
cache_get_value_name(i, "idTeam", data); object[h][idTeam] = strval(data); Код:
object[h][idTeam] = AddStaticVehicle(s |