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Death upon SpawnPlayer - Printable Version

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Death upon SpawnPlayer - Tom Kingston - 30.10.2018


Pardon me if this question's been asked and answered before.

I'm trying to spawn the players after finishing the registration process, but they die and spawn in Blueberry or they don't spawn at all and their skin is all mashed up in a small "chunk".

Any helpful advice will be greatly appreciated.

Re: Death upon SpawnPlayer - raydx - 31.10.2018

Are you using SetPlayerSpawnInfo?

Re: Death upon SpawnPlayer - TheToretto - 31.10.2018

Problem solved

Re: Death upon SpawnPlayer - GODEX - 01.11.2018

Feel free to message me, more then willing to help

Re: Death upon SpawnPlayer - J0sh... - 02.11.2018

Originally Posted by GODEX
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Feel free to message me, more then willing to help
Or provide help in this thread, so other people that may get this issue will know the fix!