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Textdraw Bug - Printable Version

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Textdraw Bug - TokicMajstor - 24.10.2018

When I import any Textdraw to my GameMode, all screen gone white, I have this problem on almost every GameMode, have you any solutions?
The all screen gone white and this big numbers (maybe clock) appeared on the screen when i just added this textdraws:
        Logo[0] = TextDrawCreate(556.588562, 3.916686, "S");
	TextDrawLetterSize(Logo[0], 0.662370, 3.046667);
	TextDrawAlignment(Logo[0], 1);
	TextDrawColor(Logo[0], 16777215);
	TextDrawSetShadow(Logo[0], 0);
	TextDrawSetOutline(Logo[0], -1);
	TextDrawBackgroundColor(Logo[0], 255);
	TextDrawFont(Logo[0], 1);
	TextDrawSetProportional(Logo[0], 1);
	TextDrawSetShadow(Logo[0], 0);

	Logo[4] = TextDrawCreate(571.112854, 9.750004, "parta");
	TextDrawLetterSize(Logo[4], 0.531184, 2.276667);
	TextDrawAlignment(Logo[4], 1);
	TextDrawColor(Logo[4], -1);
	TextDrawSetShadow(Logo[4], 0);
	TextDrawSetOutline(Logo[4], -1);
	TextDrawBackgroundColor(Logo[4], 255);
	TextDrawFont(Logo[4], 1);
	TextDrawSetProportional(Logo[4], 1);
	TextDrawSetShadow(Logo[4], 0);
>>Image link<<

Re: Textdraw Bug - Speedy552 - 24.10.2018

it says "record:3"
have you any scripts with that?

Re: Textdraw Bug - TokicMajstor - 24.10.2018

Yes that is the record of online players, I have now deleted all about that and about online players but the screen is white still;

Re: Textdraw Bug - TokicMajstor - 24.10.2018

I changed something, now I see this;