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Looking for Scripter/Lead admin. - Printable Version

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Looking for Scripter/Lead admin. - DedrickYoung - 22.10.2018

- New upcoming server. (Used to have a server back in the days, 2010 so im kinda oldschool and forgot all about scripting.
- Server. (Everything that we'll need to run a server is paid for, plus a working scripter will be paid for
his work ofcourse.)
- Admin staff. (I'll need a lead admin that will over time gather a admin team)
- Roleplay theme. (Basic RP in Los santos)

- If this is you, contact me and we will work something out.

Re: Looking for Scripter/Lead admin. - DIRTYBYT3 - 22.10.2018

I think you post in wrong section my friend

Re: Looking for Scripter/Lead admin. - GTLS - 23.10.2018

Post this under Looking for Scripters section.