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Brackets - Longover - 14.10.2018

How i can detect missing close/open bracket?
i mofidied my gamemode and i don't know where i must close/open a bracket. GM(56000 lines)

Re: Brackets - KinderClans - 14.10.2018

Re: Brackets - Longover - 15.10.2018

Originally Posted by KinderClans
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I tried with both articles,but i give errors when i open the progrtam,if i give you the GM,can you use this to solve?
I give you rep,please so much!

Re: Brackets - v1k1nG - 15.10.2018

If you edited the code badly, fixing only the brackets won't help that much! You should consider creating a backup everytime you want to edit the script.

Re: Brackets - d3Pedro - 15.10.2018

If the code was done by you, just check at the last lines you worked on. Also I'd recommend you to take backups just to avoid this cases.

Re: Brackets - Dennis12 - 15.10.2018

You can use
"Missing Brackets"
I'd recommend you to take backups.

Re: Brackets - slxsh - 16.10.2018

Use notepad++ and change language to C.