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Players getting crashed - Printable Version

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Players getting crashed - MRM - 03.10.2018


Players are getting crashed in server instantly about 15 players leaves.

PHP Code:
[30/09/2018 21:51:59Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581
[30/09/2018 21:51:59Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581
[30/09/2018 21:52:00Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581
[30/09/2018 21:52:00Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581
[30/09/2018 21:52:00Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581
[30/09/2018 21:52:00Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581
[30/09/2018 21:52:00Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581
[30/09/2018 21:52:00Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581
[30/09/2018 21:52:00Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581
[30/09/2018 21:52:01Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581
[30/09/2018 21:52:01Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581
[30/09/2018 21:52:01Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581
[30/09/2018 21:52:01Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581
[30/09/2018 21:52:01Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581
[30/09/2018 21:52:02Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581
[30/09/2018 21:52:02Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581
[30/09/2018 21:52:02Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581
[30/09/2018 21:52:02Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581
[30/09/2018 21:52:02] [partxbnm has left the server (7:0)
30/09/2018 21:52:03Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581
[30/09/2018 21:52:03Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581
[30/09/2018 21:52:03Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581
[30/09/2018 21:52:03Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581
[30/09/2018 21:52:04Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581
[30/09/2018 21:52:04] [partMrLeon has left the server (5:0)
30/09/2018 21:52:04Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581
[30/09/2018 21:52:04] [partteszxf has left the server (9:0)
30/09/2018 21:52:05] [partSattariw has left the server (1:0)
30/09/2018 21:52:06Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427
[30/09/2018 21:52:07] [npc:partALF has left the server (3:0)
30/09/2018 21:52:07] [partMohat has left the server (4:0)
30/09/2018 21:52:07Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427
[30/09/2018 21:52:07Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427
[30/09/2018 21:52:07Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427
[30/09/2018 21:52:08Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427
[30/09/2018 21:52:08Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427
[30/09/2018 21:52:08Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427
[30/09/2018 21:52:08Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427
[30/09/2018 21:52:09Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427
[30/09/2018 21:52:09Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427
[30/09/2018 21:52:09Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427
[30/09/2018 21:52:10Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427
[30/09/2018 21:52:10Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427
[30/09/2018 21:52:11Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427
[30/09/2018 21:52:11Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427
[30/09/2018 21:52:11Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427
[30/09/2018 21:52:11] [joinSattariw has joined the server (3:
30/09/2018 21:52:11Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427
[30/09/2018 21:52:12] [partPixoZ has left the server (8:0)
30/09/2018 21:52:12Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427
[30/09/2018 21:52:12Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427
[30/09/2018 21:52:12Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427
[30/09/2018 21:52:13Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427
[30/09/2018 21:52:13Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427
[30/09/2018 21:52:13Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427
[30/09/2018 21:52:14Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427
[30/09/2018 21:52:14] [npc:partDriver has left the server (2:0)
30/09/2018 21:52:14] [partFescu has left the server (11:0)
30/09/2018 21:52:28] [joinfocus has joined the server (4:ss.115.37.106)
30/09/2018 21:52:43] [joinPelo has joined the server (5:ss.233.133.225)
30/09/2018 21:52:51] [part] [Responahas left the server (0:1)
30/09/2018 21:53:06] [joinmiss has joined the server (0:ss.225.58.8)
30/09/2018 21:53:17] [joinPixoZ has joined the server (6:ss.133.191.188)
30/09/2018 21:53:36] [partmiss has left the server (0:2)
30/09/2018 21:54:42] [partSattariw has left the server (3:0)
30/09/2018 21:55:08] [join] ._sal_has joined the server (0:ss.225.58.8)
30/09/2018 21:55:17] [joinSattariw has joined the server (3:ss.143.209.147)
30/09/2018 21:58:40] [joinTheUame has joined the server (
30/09/2018 21:59:51] [join] [epic]. has joined the server (
30/09/2018 22:00:54] [join] ..Optimom.. has joined the server (
30/09/2018 22:01:01] [part] ..Optimom.. has left the server (9:2
+ And sometimes deynamic objects will be deleted.

Re: Players getting crashed - MRM - 09.10.2018

Bump ...

Re: Players getting crashed - Variable™ - 09.10.2018

Don't just put people's IPs in plain text in a public forum.

Re: Players getting crashed - MRM - 22.11.2018

When players connect to the server, they lose the connection randomly.(Even npcs)
and they get this message/error but the server is still online and they can join again.

PHP Code:

[] ConnectedJoining the game...
[] Please choose another nick between and 3-20 characters
[] Please use only a-zA-Z0-9
[] Use /quit to exit or press ESC and select Quit Game 
PHP Code:
[30/09/2018 21:51:59Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581 
[30/09/2018 21:51:59Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581 
[30/09/2018 21:52:00Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581 
[30/09/2018 21:52:00Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581 
[30/09/2018 21:52:00Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581 
[30/09/2018 21:52:00Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581 
[30/09/2018 21:52:00Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581 
[30/09/2018 21:52:00Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581 
[30/09/2018 21:52:00Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581 
[30/09/2018 21:52:01Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581 
[30/09/2018 21:52:01Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581 
[30/09/2018 21:52:01Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581 
[30/09/2018 21:52:01Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581 
[30/09/2018 21:52:01Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581 
[30/09/2018 21:52:02Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581 
[30/09/2018 21:52:02Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581 
[30/09/2018 21:52:02Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581 
[30/09/2018 21:52:02Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581 
[30/09/2018 21:52:02] [partxbnm has left the server (7:0
30/09/2018 21:52:03Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581 
[30/09/2018 21:52:03Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581 
[30/09/2018 21:52:03Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581 
[30/09/2018 21:52:03Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581 
[30/09/2018 21:52:04Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581 
[30/09/2018 21:52:04] [partMrLeon has left the server (5:0
30/09/2018 21:52:04Packet was modifiedsent by id9ipss.41.240.194:11581 
[30/09/2018 21:52:04] [partteszxf has left the server (9:0
30/09/2018 21:52:05] [partSattariw has left the server (1:0
30/09/2018 21:52:06Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427 
[30/09/2018 21:52:07] [npc:partALF has left the server (3:0
30/09/2018 21:52:07] [partMohat has left the server (4:0
30/09/2018 21:52:07Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427 
[30/09/2018 21:52:07Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427 
[30/09/2018 21:52:07Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427 
[30/09/2018 21:52:08Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427 
[30/09/2018 21:52:08Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427 
[30/09/2018 21:52:08Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427 
[30/09/2018 21:52:08Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427 
[30/09/2018 21:52:09Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427 
[30/09/2018 21:52:09Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427 
[30/09/2018 21:52:09Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427 
[30/09/2018 21:52:10Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427 
[30/09/2018 21:52:10Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427 
[30/09/2018 21:52:11Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427 
[30/09/2018 21:52:11Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427 
[30/09/2018 21:52:11Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427 
[30/09/2018 21:52:11] [joinSattariw has joined the server (3:
30/09/2018 21:52:11Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427 
[30/09/2018 21:52:12] [partPixoZ has left the server (8:0
30/09/2018 21:52:12Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427 
[30/09/2018 21:52:12Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427 
[30/09/2018 21:52:12Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427 
[30/09/2018 21:52:13Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427 
[30/09/2018 21:52:13Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427 
[30/09/2018 21:52:13Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427 
[30/09/2018 21:52:14Packet was modifiedsent by id11ipss.110.75.89:65427 
[30/09/2018 21:52:14] [npc:partDriver has left the server (2:0
30/09/2018 21:52:14] [partFescu has left the server (11:0
30/09/2018 21:52:28] [joinfocus has joined the server (4:ss.115.37.106
30/09/2018 21:52:43] [joinPelo has joined the server (5:ss.233.133.225
30/09/2018 21:52:51] [part] [Responahas left the server (0:1
30/09/2018 21:53:06] [joinmiss has joined the server (0:ss.225.58.8
30/09/2018 21:53:17] [joinPixoZ has joined the server (6:ss.133.191.188
30/09/2018 21:53:36] [partmiss has left the server (0:2
30/09/2018 21:54:42] [partSattariw has left the server (3:0
30/09/2018 21:55:08] [join] ._sal_has joined the server (0:ss.225.58.8
30/09/2018 21:55:17] [joinSattariw has joined the server (3:ss.143.209.147
30/09/2018 21:58:40] [joinTheUame has joined the server (
30/09/2018 21:59:51] [join] [epic]. has joined the server (
30/09/2018 22:00:54] [join] ..Optimom.. has joined the server (
30/09/2018 22:01:01] [part] ..Optimom.. has left the server (9:2

Re: Players getting crashed - MRM - 23.11.2018

I created two topic in a month. Nobody can answer.
So why is this forum formed?
For this fucking bug, 100 players will be disconnected.

Re: Players getting crashed - CantBeJohn - 24.11.2018

Originally Posted by MRM
View Post
I created two topic in a month. Nobody can answer.
So why is this forum formed?
For this fucking bug, 100 players will be disconnected.
Probably because most people don't have the answer to your question.

If you truly wanted answers to your problem, you'd have definitely looked around first. Here are some related topics with information thrown out there by various members of this forum:

So judging from all these topics that can very easily be found, as well as the fact that those modified packets messages being output in your server log consistently contains those two IP Addresses. It's pretty safe to conclude your server's been the victim of an attack, that's caused your server to crash and completely lag out which caused all those players to lose connection. That whole "Unacceptable Nickname" message is a common SA:MP bug that occurs sometimes when attempting to reconnect to a server. Just block the IPs that are attacking your server.

Re: Players getting crashed - MRM - 26.11.2018

today the problem happened.
I monitored the bandwidth, it was not ddos attack.

Re: Players getting crashed - [Nuclear]Luis[Warrior] - 13.12.2018

I'm having the same problem. Could use some information.

Re: Players getting crashed - TheWhiteJew - 13.12.2018

I'm pretty sure there is a new exploit released...

it happens to my players too which never happened before and nothing has changed...

Re: Players getting crashed - T0Play - 14.12.2018

your host is linux or windows...

Re: Players getting crashed - [Nuclear]Luis[Warrior] - 14.12.2018

God this is so annoying